Over-Enthusiasm in the Job Search

Over-Enthusiasm in the Job Search

You have just had an interview that was great by your standards. You want to celebrate, maybe have a drink,
dinner, and relax. You are SURE you will be the candidate who has won the job prize.

In fact, you have had several of these kinds of interviews this week. Three of them!
You were enthused after each one! However, doubts overcame you after the second one
did not produce a job offer, nor did the first one, and you are now once again on a "high" over this
third one.

It's close to the weekend and you have decided to not worry over the results of this last interview. Surely, there will be
good news for you on Monday. Monday morning and afternoon come and go with no results in your favor. In fact,
no news at all. Now, you begin to have more than the twinge of doubt that you had before in your capabilities. And, you have no
more interviews coming up all week long!

You decide to call the employer to see if they have reached a decision. They have. It was not you. You now have full blown anxiety and doubt about
your abilities. Over-enthusiasm has hit you again. Enthusiasm for a job to do is a must, but you can have too much of it.

You, job seeker, would have been more in control of your emotions if you had continued to focus on your job seeking activities AS IF you have not been
in an extraordinary job seeker mode with more interviews to choose from. It could be 10th interview you have that will get you hired.

If longer than that, practice, practice, practice on what you are doing to find a job. Make more contacts, overhaul your resume again, make sure
your skill set is one that employers want. If not, brush up on some of the neglected ones. Keep going. It truly is not going to be a lifelong struggle to find one job!

Just keep your high's and low's within your reach. Think of over-enthusiasm as a balloon you let go of and its now
out of sight. Make your sure you job seeker "balloons" are within reach.

About the Author

Graduate of JFK University
Career Development Program
Certified Career & Job Transition Coach
Website: www.doitnowcareers.info
Email: doitnow@nwinfo.net