(Cultural technique to influence people)

-To get people like you is a matter of character! Follow me and get changed -

NEVER miss an opportunity to say a word of congratulations upon anyone’s achievement or express sympathy for sorrow and disappointment. This is one of few simple techniques, which you can use to attain popularity. In real sense, we all might admit that as people, we want others to like us. Though we might have heard some one say, “ I don’t care whether people like me or not, I don’t care whether people like me or not, I don’t care what they say about me1” But whenever you hear anyone say this and the like, rest assured that the person is not telling the truth.

Remember that your task in life is not necessarily to get everyone to like you. But as a human being, you are definitely going to meet different people of different walk of life through out your life in this world. You cannot live without them and their help. Thus it makes sense to know how to talk to other easily.
Anyway, however popular you may be, you will never get everybody to like you, and People always feel that you are a bit like them if you have things in common they will be free and happy talking and appreciating your company.

Here are other points:

REMEMBER NAMES: Addressing or greeting a person by his/her name is very important to the person. So inefficiency at remembering other people’s names may indicate that you are not interested in them and their affairs; so learn to remember names.
HONESTY COUNT: when you are not cheating other, you are straightforward and full honest; people will trust and appreciate you. This is a sign high respect to them also. If you don’t have something or don’t know something be honest of it. Be able to abide with the challenge.
COMFORT ABILITY: A flexible and comfortable person is natural and easy-going. He/she has always kind, pleasant and sympathetic way about him or her. And these characters cannot be found in stern, stiff and reserved person who will never mix groups. People never know how to treat such person and his or her reaction.
CARING ATTITUDE: To attract other you have to care about them and when doing so, you set aside your own experience. Be with them in a merry time and hard times.
BOOST THEIR EGO: The ego, being the essence of our personalities, is sacred to us. In every person there is a strong wish of self-importance. If you deflate anybody ego, means that you don’t respect him or her. And you will be showing high esteem to him or her by elevating his or her feeling of person worth.
TALKING ABOUT ONE SELF-: Avoid talking about yourself, keeping yourself as a true reference. Because people who talk too much of themselves rarely laugh of themselves; since they are so worried about the impressive they are creating. Such people are neither honest nor attentive.
INTERESTING PERSON: People would like to be with you and get something of stimulating value from their association with you by cultivating yourself the quality of being interesting. Holding other attention is of much value.
FLEXIBILITY: Willingness to change is of more importance in order to get people like you. If you are not a comfortable type, it is necessary to study your personality with a view to remove aware and unaware elements of strains which yourself and make changes to build satisfactory relationship. This can only happen if you are ready to make efforts.
HELPING HAND: Have a helping hand. If you have something to give people that will help them to be stronger and meet life more effectively, then give it. But do not expect return; don’t give it as bribery or like most politicians who give it for vote!
Give yourself an effective change according to this simple technique and you will get people to like you since one of the deepest need of human beings is the desire to be appreciated.

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