Picture Yourself a Winner

Picture Yourself a Winner

 by: Jay Conners

In the work place, the amount of good things that happen to a person during the day far out number the amount of bad things that happen, so why do we spend so much time stressing over the bad things when we should be smiling about the good things.

One reason being, when something bad happens, such as being berated by a customer, it shakes us up a little bit, maybe our pride has been touched up a little. It plays on our mind like a disease, and you can’t help but think about it, and what you could have done differently to avoid the situation.

The bottom line here is, stressing over a minor, unpreventable incident effects our productivity.

Here are a few ideas to help you get through your day with a little less stress. And believe me, I understand that these things are easier said than done, but they are worth some consideration.

1. When driving into work in the morning, picture yourself in a positive light. See yourself meeting a new customer and making a new sale, than establishing what has the potential to become a relationship that blossoms into something bigger.

This shouldn’t be to hard considering you probably have more than one success story to recall upon.

Block out any and all bad scenarios from the past. See yourself as a winner, the person in charge.

2. When you leave the office, leave all of your problems and worries at the door and forget about them. When you come back the next day, they will be gone. Nine times out of ten, the previous days problems are only there in your mind, so stop thinking about them.

Every day is a new day with new potential, and you are a major part of it, so see it for what it is. Every new day is a chance for you to become more successful than you already are, don’t look at it any other way.

3. Cut down on the caffeine

I know this one might be tough, but it does help considerably. If you drink a lot of coffee, the caffeine isn’t helping your nerves. So cut back or switch to decaf, or half regular and half decaf. (That was my approach).

4. If you are having a particularly rough day, focus on something positive that is going to happen in you near future. A happy hour with friends or co-workers, something you have planned for the weekend, your upcoming vacation, a holiday, anything positive to assure you that there is life after whatever is going on at the time.

Don’t worry about the things you can’t do anything about!

So please, the next time the pressures of your work day start to apply their weight upon your shoulders, think of the positive things, it will make all the difference.