Potential Got Any

I have a friend, who just recently discovered the beauty of
following his heart. This friend is busy, family, work/business
all the "normal" life stuff, however his life was always full &
fun, but still resting on the frantic side.

Since he has now chosen something which makes his heart
sing, he finds that he is so very focused and so much stuff is
getting done in less time !

He made the comment to me, that it seems that the "spiritual
stuff" leaves out that part. The part of "organization" of ones

And I said "no". What you are finding, is that as you focus
inwardly, which is what you are doing in following your heart,
which is how the mind center of the heart operates, then your
outer life appears to now be wonderfully and beautifully
orchestrated. You are finally doing something for you, that
you love doing.

The Spiritual Stuff does not leave that out. That is at the Core
of it All! So. The Point: As you Live within Your Heart, Your
Potential Shows up. And it IS that Simple.

Ok, Fine & Dandy. How do we "get there"?
We can begin with Ancient Wisdom.

Ancient Wisdom, not really so Ancient these days. One of the
appreciations that we more so on a conscious spiritual path
are re-discovering is that our Imagination is a lot more than
we have been conditioned to think it is.

Our Imagination is our pathway in communication to Higher
Intelligence, Higher Realms. It's how we receive messages, its
how we send messages.

This was a normal understanding in Ancient Wisdom times.
It's what brought about the wonder advancement in

We now are continuing that in a more balanced state. We
embrace the heart center this time around, which brings
beauty and grace to us as individuals as well as a species.

This is why as we teach ourselves the skills of clarity and
focus we use our imaging POWER, and it is power, that
our lives are designed as we in corporation with our Spirit
Selves have destined us for.

So.....we have a choice. Further our knowledge and under-
standing of the communication tool of "proper imaging", or
do not. And there in-again, awaits our Potential.

About the Author

Author/©Maverick Momentum Consultant, Susan James,
Writes & Teaches the Application of ©User Friendly Physics
to Human Potential. Dreams Come True To Weight Loss.
Author of 6 books incl: Manifesting 101/102 & Beyond
MM4M: Manifesting Millionaires/17 Seconds to Wt.Loss
Manifesting 101 & Beyond (FREE Newsletter)