Rage for Money!

Rage for Money!

 by: Ananth Venkat

Money, Money, Money and Money is all what this world is about. Every individual in this world is working hard all day, all nights and all weekends just to smell the aroma of money - Rupees, Dollars, Euro, Yen and what not. There was a time when an individual was evaluated based on his charisma, talents, character and health but those days are way behind us.

In the present world of "Money and Hatred", everything is evaluated based on the wealth. Wealth is considered to be equivalent to the so called in those days charisma, talents, character and health. If an individual has wealth, he is considered to be one the most popular person in his community.

Well, frankly speaking this is what current world is all about, if a person says that he is not for money then he is considered to be "not worthy". Money is the one which brings relationships, quarrels, hatred, pleasure both mentally and physically, tears of joy and sorrow, makes a person impeccable and finally last but not the least "The Pride", for which, every human in this world is longing for.

Money plays a vital role at the time of birth and death. As day progresses, "hatred and sin" among humans is increasing drastically for various reasons. All reasons for these hatred and sin fall under one category called "The Money". God has created every human being on this beautiful Earth for some reason and most of us don’t realize that we have a duty to perform; instead we have screened ourselves behind an illusive screen, "The Money".

Most of us are squanderers, we don’t realize that our main purpose to be on this Earth is to maintain a good kinship within our race and eradicate animosity, which does not happen in the present world. Ofcourse, there are people who are not for Money; they do help the needy both in terms of money and food. There are some excellent and inspiring people all over the world, who are not money-minded, but only a chosen few to talk about and they are countably finite. We need more people who do not value their near and dear based on Money.

We should be fortunate enough to give birth as a human, because one big difference is the sixth sense, which no other living being on this earth is gifted with. This sixth sense makes the human race as the most intelligent living being on this earth. When God has gifted us with such an extraordinary power why do we have to utilize it in the improper way?

Plenty of technological improvements happened over the past decades and it is still ameliorating further as day progresses, but the overall poverty level is marching strongly up the hill rather than falling downwards inspite of this technological progress. We are so diligent and try to expose our skills and talents to lead a life of luxury which goes hand in hand with Money. We are never satisfied with what we have and when it comes to Money - It is our insatiable thirst. The technological improvement has done nothing to alleviate the pain of the people who are beyond the poverty line.

Present world is filled with corruption, war, looting, murder and many things to say. The main reason for all these things to happen in this world is Money. People do all these crimes for their pride and survival, which requires Money. The rich people do all these crimes to maintain their Pride in the society and the poor to Survive in this society (as per present world, a person is distinguished between rich and poor based on Money).

We talk about people who are millionaires and billionaires, but we never think about people who are dying every day at some corner of the world striving for good food. We have all the time in this world to fight against each other just for a thin rectangular sheet of paper which has some value for it, but we don’t have time to think about our kinship, near and dear who are dying without proper food and shelter. The world is filled with jealous, hatred, pride and ego; this is growing everyday which destroys the man himself and the people surrounding him.

It is high time that we start thinking about our mankind rather than focusing on Money, ofcourse Money is very important in our life and every one should realize that Money is necessary for a person to survive and lead his life in the most meaningful way, it shouldn’t be used in a way that it harms our own race. We are gifted with so much power and talent with which we can do miracles in many good ways rather being a brutal thing which doesn’t have any kind of concern for anything in this world. There are people who think good for their community but that count is very minimal. Every human in this world should try to be peaceful and harmonious, if not, try not to harm others for which we should be satisfied with whatever Money we earn or get.

“More the rage for Money, more the hatred and sin”. Let us first get satisfied with whatever we have and try not to fall into the deep valley of Money because of which we will not be able to have the complete vision of the world, which is in need of our help and harmony. Let us be a human being in this world rather than being Money minded carnivorous being, which intends to destroy their own race for Money.

Let us be good to ourselves, good to others, lead a meaningful life and make every moment of our life the most useful and memorable moment, for which we need to tear apart the illusive screen “The Money” screened in front of us and see the whole world with our God given gift of kind hearted vision.

“Money never made a man happy yet, nor will it. There is nothing in its nature to produce happiness. The more a man has, the more he wants. Instead of its filling a vacuum, it makes one.” – Ben Franklin.