Reaching for the Next Level

Coaching for your Success

Inspiring Possibility and Personal Power

Reaching for the Next level

Thanksgiving has come and gone. This year was different for my family as we experienced what it's like to have a son come home from college. As the days get colder and shorter and as the year winds down it is a time of reflection... I reflect on all the blessings in my life and all that I accomplished. Then I start to reflect on what I didn't accomplish. Most of us have a habit of focusing on our failures rather than our successes. How would our lives be different if we changed this habit? As we make subtle internal shifts in our thinking, noticeable changes occur in the practical everyday level of existence.
I have found that books stimulate me in my process and give me new perspectives on life. I was in the mood for a new book and drove to Borders where my attention was diverted to next years calendars. The pictures and content in the calendars support me in having a particular focus and intention as the year unfolds. As I started to think about purchasing a calendar for next year, I noticed there were calendars on almost any subject....and hundreds to choose from. Although I didn't buy a calendar that night looking through them helped me focus on next year's challenges.
I started reflecting on what changes I would need to make and what attitudes I would have to shift for me to have a breakthrough year, one in which I feel more fulfillment, purpose and excitement about getting up in the morning and going to the next level in my life. Let's explore this together.
What would a "breakthrough year" mean to you? Who would you be, how would you feel and what would you accomplish? Think of what changes you could make so that one year from now you could honestly say " This was a great year". To help you in this process, imagine it is one year from now and you are reflecting upon the past twelve months. You walk into a room and smile. There to greet you are two or three significant people in your life. What is said in the next few minutes is an acknowledgement of who you are. You know those who are present really get who you are and empower you. They see your magnificence. Who is in the room with you and what was being said? How are you feeling at this moment and who have you become?
My challenge to you is to ask these questions as you go forward. During this next phase of your life, the breakthrough phase, create an empowering partnership with those two or three significant people in your life so that together you can look at what is standing in the way of your magnificence and together stand on the other side. Then you will know what steps you need to take to reach the next level.
When we walk this path of inner reflection and declare ourselves as to what our intentions are in this life we create an energy that is an expression of our potential for greatness.
Let me know what it is you discover when experiencing life from that next level and what that next step is for you. I love receiving your many responses and feedback. Thank you and keep them coming. Feel free to pass this letter on to the friends in your circle and let them know about the advantages of being on the journey.
Because of the holiday the writing process took a little longer and I found myself browsing at a different book store. On an impulse I ended up buying the Power of Now Calendar.
Some of you have wanted to know about my other programs and services. In addition to one on one coaching a great way to make the lessons of these letters your natural way of being is through my Personal Mastery Ecourse and Teleclass, Commitment to Personal Mastery. In February, I will be leading a powerful and dynamic leadership retreat on the magical island of Kauai, Discover the Leader Within. Hope you can join me.

Take the next step to the next level,


Mark Susnow, formerly a trial attorney for 30 years is a coach, speaker, and group facilitator. He's inspired hundreds of people to believe in themselves and to achieve their goals and dreams. Contact Mark to discover how you can benefit from coaching and his other programs.

About the Author

Inspirational and Motivational coach,speaker and writer, Mark Susnow brings his myriad life experiencesto the table in his ezine Letters on Life