Reading body language for Flirting

Even the ancients claimed that you have to pay attention to a woman’s gestures

instead of what she says. Generally if a lady says “yes” she of course means

“no”. And the situation is the same on the way around.

A gesture is a gesture Body language is a discipline about non-verbal behavior,

there are more and more followers of it all over the world. Among them there

are respected scientists who attach less and less significance to words and

places the emphasis in communication on the role of body language. Reportedly

this way it is possible to tell much more and even to learn much more information

about the partner. Gestures, body language and intonation affect the communication

at a proportion of more than 90%. Words as such prove to be insufficient in

a successful communication. It seems to be simple, but despite this fact there

are still a great number of inapprehensive men. They don’t pay attention to

the women’s behavior, swallow every word they say, and muck up the opportunity

of further developing their acquaintances. But women’s gestures are univocal!

The experts of non-verbal behavior can only distinguish two types of women’s

behavior. One carries the information that the woman does not feel like having

sex. The other one means that she does. So women exploit body language and launch

such codes that men have a very difficult job to tell what they are thinking

of in fact. It would be so palpable to tell everything using words. I’ll try

to help you avoid misunderstandings: I’ve put together a guide with the help

of which beginners and “advanced users” are able to decode the behavior of every

attractive woman.

1. She pushes her fingers through her hair Clean and neat hair is as important

for a woman as acceptable height, wide shoulders and biceps for a man. The woman

who grooms her hair with high care expresses that she is full of energy and

feels like doing certain family-friendly activities. Those that are familiar

with body language claim that when a woman is regulating her hair she tries

to call men’s attention upon herself. If she repeats this activity three times

within a minute you can be sure that she would really love to be conquered.

The way she touches her hair is also very important. It tells you information

about her temperament. If she does it slowly you have encountered a cunning

expert of the art of love. Quick, nervy movements disclose impatience or embarrassment.

2. She touches the edge of the glass with her fingers Freudian psychologists

interpret it as a sexual sign. This theory is supported by the women themselves,

who claim that they deliberately pet the glass, in order to call the chosen

man’s attention upon themselves. When you enter a bar and see a full-bosomed

blonde touching and caressing her martini glass so that it’d scream, do not

think that she is expressing her musicality this way. Don’t ask her whether

she is playing the latest hit of Iglesias. This question would not be appropriate.

Instead of asking stupid questions, notice the way she is playing the “musical

instrument”. Elegant, caressing movement is a sign of intrinsic calmness, self-control

and waiting, so sit by her. Her beating a rhythm on the glass with her nails

is a sign of impatience or a broad hint of SOS, which she’s sending to her boyfriend,

who is fighting for another Bailey’s at the bar.

3. She leans on her elbow According to Aristotle a woman’s hand tells us the

most information. According to experts of body language women disclose what

they think of us with their gestures. If she leans on her hand with her chin

and her eyes seem to be thinking, it’s not always the sign of her being impressed

by your appearance. Generally the woman tries to answer her own question this

way: “Does this guy deserve me?” You do know the answer, but the lady needs

time. If you want to help her make the only right decision, be politely determinate

and determinately polite. Flash your sense of humor as well.

4. She sits back with her arms crossed together This is the worst possible

that you can encounter in a bar or disco, when you’re out hunting. This gesture

is the evidence of the fact that you’ve had the worst impression of all on the

woman and she doesn’t trust you at all. Nothing helps here, neither refined

jokes, nor nice, muscular body. The best method at the beginning of the fight

for her grace is to ask her what she’s drinking at the moment. Don’t buy her

a drink for a start because this way she’s going to think that “this guy has

no fantasy at all”.

5. She wets her lips If a woman wets her lips quite frequently, it’s absolutely

a sexual sign, unless she has herpes. According to anthropologists women give

us to understand that they wouldn’t mind us putting something between their

wet lips. Hope you know what.

6. She delves in her nose You’re wrong if you think that this is a sign of

her sexual appetite. Scientist have been arguing for years about the meaning

of this gesture. According to one group of scientists the lady is underbred.

On the other hand the other group thinks the finger in the nose symbolizes the

gross hairs of the thighs and lap.

7. She lashes her eye-lashes According to famous experts of the topic and authors

of cheap romantic stories the fast movement of the eye-lashes is the sign of

women who like to conquer men of their own accord. Besides they are emancipated,

who like to take over the duty of initiation. They aren’t waiting for your jokes

and wide smile. They undertake to initiate. The only problem with such ladies

is that not all of them will enjoy herself in the role of the doped out game.

But if you don’t mind losing the role of the hunter, swallow the bait.

8. She lets her legs swing Researchers of body language emphasize that when

a woman frequently crosses her legs or let them swing, is also a sexually charged

movement. The strongest of all these movements is when she opens her legs without

meaning it. It’s a classical Freudian opening symbol. (You must remember Sharon

Stone opening her legs in such a beautiful way in Basic Instinct.) A contrary

sign to this is when she puts her legs together. You have to interpret her choosing

of shoes in a similar way. It is very important which pair of shoes she chooses

to wear the given day. The more open the shoes are the more willing she is to


9. She dances with her hands Having gauged the woman’s face and body most men

concentrates on her hands. This is the most natural and normal thing to do –

well-groomed long fingers, well-painted nails are significant erotic signs.

However, the way the woman herself thinks of her hands is also very important.

If she stares at them for a very long time, it may imply that something angers

her (perhaps you?). if she beats the rhythm on the table or the bar means a

similar state of mind. You think she’s a wild cat, but you’re wrong. She’s thinking

about a way how she could get rid of you.

10. She bites her lips When a woman is biting your lips, do not interrupt her

– everything’s alright. But if she’s biting hers, you may assume that she’s

nervous. Why? Perhaps you are staring at her too quizzing.

+1 Finally From the paragraphs above you can see that each and every movement

and gesture of a woman carry sexual meaning for a healthy man.

Feel her soul You look at the woman and you don’t have the least idea what

she wants from you. If you notice one of the hereunder mentioned ways of behavior,

it means that there’s one thing that she wants from you, closer acquaintance,

or even maybe sex. She leers at you, laughs loudly, ogles, wets her lips, knobs

her breasts or hip, listens to you very carefully, walks proudly, waves her

hip, her style is eye-catching, crosses her legs and then puts them back, hides

her face, pushes her fingers through her hair, enters your private area, touches

herself (smoothes out her stocking or plays with the button of her blouse),

touches the object of her interest, exaggerates her make-up or perfume, dresses

up too elegant, whispers or tries to create an intimate environment some other

way, stares at you too intensively, gauges you with her eyes and tries to stay

tete-a-tete with you. More at Internet

Dating Tips