Resolutions Worth Keeping

(c) 2004 Shawn Driscoll, Succeed Coaching

Well, it’s that time again…time to wrap up another year and chart our course for the next. We are, of course, naturally drawn to create resolutions as we enter into a new calendar year. There’s something exciting and encouraging about a fresh start. But, resolutions have also become an albatross around our necks…those great intentions trampled, year after year, under the comings and goings of daily life.

What if this year you resolved to do things that were so worth doing, you wouldn’t struggle in the least? Sure, working out 2 hours a day at the gym and eating only tuna and lettuce might get you a smaller waistline, but how much fun will it be? How much happier will it make you? And how much effort will it take to get there? My personal resolution is to freely live in the present…to have fun, laugh, smile and find joy in the life I have worked to hard (through decades of other resolutions!) to create. So here’s my list of resolutions worth making. What are yours?

Resolve to:
1. STOP Setting Yourself Up for Failure
Somehow, resolutions have become the perfect opportunity to set ourselves up for failure. We choose goals that we don’t really want, or aren’t really willing to do the work required, and then berate ourselves when we fail to accomplish them. Really, why bother? Simply refuse to set any resolution, goal, or intention that you’re not convinced you will accomplish.

2. Become more willing
How willing are you to receive the good that comes into your life? Do you willingly accept compliments by taking them in and saying a gracious thank you? Do you willingly accept offers of help without saying “thanks, but no thanks”? And how about opportunities? Are you open to new opportunities and insights or do you resist them when they appear because it’s just too much effort? Become more willing to accept the good that comes into your life and see how much easier life can get.

3. STOP tolerating
Really, it is a choice. You can absolutely decide to be a toleration-free zone. What are you putting up with in your life? What are you willing to do about it? Write up a list and set it aside. My guess is that by the end of February you’ll have naturally tackled 50% of the list without even realizing itsimply because you’ve decided to stop tolerating things. And, you’ll feel super energized!

4. Start each day with a FUN agenda
Ask yourself each morning…what’s going to be fun about today? If the answer is nothing, make a plan. Really, what are we waiting for anyway?

5. STOP Settling
This is similar to stop tolerating, but not exactly the same. Where in your life do you talk yourself into settling for less than you want, need, or desire? Are you willing to stop telling yourself no? I am. If you really want something, make a plan to get it –even if it takes you longer than it would if you settled—because when you make the investment in what you really want, you’ll find you want a lot less!

6. Be kinder and gentler with yourself
I think we’ve become too hard on ourselves. We tell ourselves all kinds of crazy stories about what we “should” be achieving, how we “should” be spending time and all we should be getting done. Then we get frustrated because we’re just not up to snuff! Our ridiculous expectations sabotage us daily. Imagine if we just eliminated “should” from our vocabulary? Try it for a week. Or, a day. How much kinder and gentler do you feel?

7. Take stock
Where is there abundance in your life? Where do you have it just the way you want it? Where have you made huge gains toward being who you most want to be? Take stock of what is great about you, your life, your relationships, your job, your home, etc… In this New Year focus on the good things you have chosen for yourself rather than on all the deficits and imperfections. Resolve to take stock continually and appreciate all the good you can, and do, bring into your life.

8. Get some sunshine every day
For those of you in sunshine states, this is probably easy. But for the rest of us suffering through the dreary and long stretch of winter ahead, making sure we actually see sunlight and breath fresh air during the day is critical to feeling happy and well. Don’t sit at your desk from the dark of morning to the dark of night without going outside. Make it a point, even on the snowiest day, to step outside and breathe in the air during the midday.

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This article is provided courtesy of Shawn Driscoll, Career and Business Coach. If you are ready to Succeed, on your own terms, contact or visit

About the Author

Shawn Driscoll, owner of Succeed Coaching & Development, is a Career and Business Coach, trainer and speaker located in Metro Detroit, Michigan. For over 14 years Shawn has advised, coached and developed Executives, Managers, Supervisors and their teams to achieve greater results and find fulfillment through work. Shawn holds a Masters Degree in Labor and Industrial Relations from Michigan State University. Contact her at