by: Robert Moment
A resume is your life condensed to a few pages and highlighted with your qualities and experiences. Potential employers learn about you through the words you chose and the examples you give. If you are not careful with these words and examples, however, you may just give the wrong impression.
An effective resume is essential in the business world. Without one, you will not succeed. Employers are looking for people with talent, people who can get the job done, and you may very well be that person. But, without a proper resume, you will never get the chance to prove it. You have to give employers a polished and professional resume, one that emphasizes all of your best qualities. To help you accomplish this, we have provided several tips that can guarantee you the best resume possible. No matter what your situation, these tips will help you make a powerful impression.
1. Apply Your Skills
Show, through your resume, that you have experience with the job in question. Listing irrelevant abilities will not impress your employer. For example, if you are seeking a job in management, then you must show potential employers that you are qualified for this job. Apply the skills you have to this position.
2. Use Power Words
Power Words, also called Action Verbs, provide better emphasis in a resume. They create a more assertive and memorable statement. Words like “accomplished”, “developed”, “led” and “persuaded” show your employer that you are confident in your abilities. Rather than making a bland statement (for example, “I was District Sales Manager of the Information Technology Division”), you let your experiences shine (“Increased sales 39% in 18 months as the District Sales Manager ). Use these words to show confidence and control.
3. Stick To The Point
Future employers do not have time to wade through your entire life; they want to know what you can do for them and why you are best suited for the job. When writing a resume, be concise. List only relevant details, accomplishments and experiences. A resume should represent only the parts of your life that are applicable to the position. With, typically, one to two pages, there is little space to waste. Keep it simple and keep it pertinent.
4. Sell Yourself
While humility is to be admired, it can also cost you a job—you are going against countless other individuals who want the same position you do and they are all trying to look better than any other applicant. If you want the job, you have to standout. Showcase your best abilities and experiences; emphasize your strengths and talents. If you want the job, then you have to be willing to indulge in a little conceit. This is not to say, however, that you should misrepresent yourself. Tell the truth (just use the best examples of the truth). Remember that you deserve this job; do not shy away from showing future employers why.
5. Plan Everything
Most resumes are one-two pages long. This does not leave much room to navigate. Decide in advance what you will include. And, since you have limited space, you must include only relevant facts and concise descriptions. Take the time to draft your resume and see if anything is lacking or missing. This will save you time later.
6. Flashy Is Futile
When creating your resume, use only white or ivory paper. Do not waste time with novelty items (anything colored or special bonded). Stand out with the content, not the paper. Also, never handwrite your resume. This shows a lack of interest to employers and will most likely be discarded. Typed out on white or ivory paper is the most effective thing to do.
7. Proofread
This is the most important part of creating a resume. You must proofread everything, over and over until you are certain there are no mistakes. And, then, you have someone else read it—going over a resume once or twice is not enough; you are not likely to catch any mistakes. Read and reread.
These 7 steps may seem obvious but many people ignore them; put yourself ahead of the competition. Follow these suggestions and create the Resume that say Hire Me.