Whether or not you follow baseball, I’m sure you’ve heard of
the New York Yankees baseball team. This team won the World
Series three years in a row in 1998, 1999, and 2000, in
addition to the many other wins from years past.

The baseball playoffs were played during October, 2001. The
Yankees made it to the playoffs because of their winning
record during the season. The first hurdle they had to get
over in order to play in the 2001 World Series was the
American League Championship.

When the American League Championship started, the first two
games were played at Yankee Stadium. Teams rarely won on
Yankees’ home turf. But the Yankees lost the first two games
of the league championship.

The odds were not in the Yankees’ favor. They had lost the
first two games, and they were headed to another stadium in
front of other fans to continue play. Some of the sports
news coming out already had the Yankees losing the league
championship. A number of teams at this juncture would have
given up hope of winning.

I found it interesting that whenever Yankee players were
interviewed, never once did they even hint that they might
lose. They looked back over their season record. They looked
around at the caliber of their fellow players. They looked
inside themselves. All they talked about was how they were
going to win.

And win they did. They won the final three games of the
league championship and advanced to the division championship.
They eventually made it to the World Series because they saw
themselves as winners.

Here’s a million dollar question for you - how do you see
yourself? Do you see yourself as a winner, especially in your
online business?

A winner:

1) Hangs in until success breaks through.

2) Remembers past victories and knows victory will come again.

3) Looks at rough circumstances as opportunities for growth.

4) Thinks success, speaks success, acts success.

5) Helps others succeed.

If you want to make it to the next level in business, then you
will need to see yourself as a winner!

About the Author

Sharon Dalton Williams is a Christian freelance writer whose
goal is to change the world one word at a time. Subscribe to
her weekly column, From Sharon’s Pen, at