Self Development in Self Discipline to achieve Sexy Body

How Self Development impinge on our consciousness to sexy body? This has always been the question I asked myself. As an individual in any gender, we will always be measured on how sexy we are or we are not. When we see someone who possesses a sexy body, we ask ourselves, how can it be possible for them and not for us? From commercials, television programs, billboards, product advertisements to magazine features, all of them illustrate the defined sexy body. We are so conscious on our physical attributes, particularly our body weight and figure. We have tried every possible options to achieve the same body those people have ,like rigid diet, slimming pills, slimming tea, exercise and worst and most expensive way - surgery. Are all these effort worthy? Ask yourself.

In a world where slim, slender, and sexy are the standards of the society we would not want to be left out. Self Development is our only shot. Having said all that, Self Development has a gigantic role in achieving not just Sexy Body as well as healthy body and Healthy mind. Study shows that people who posses