Self Evaluation Procrastinator IQ

Proscrastinator Simplex Vs. Chronic Procrastin-itis

All professional and domestic responsibilities aside, waiting to RSVP at the last minute and finishing a report the night before its due date there are different degrees of procrastination. In general, procrastinators fall under two classifications:

 Procrastinator Simplex
 Chronic Procrastinator

The first type of procrastination, simplex depicts putting off those chores and grueling tasks that we abhor doing. Let us use cleaning out the attic as a good example. Since the organization of an attic is normally not a life or death situation, this type of procrastination is deemed as ‘acceptable’ or normal.

Example of extreme scenario of procrastination:

Three weeks ago, Mr. Bibble noticed a slow leak in his right front tire. The tires came with the purchase of the automobile 13 years old. The treads were so worn it appeared as though thread was poking out of each tire. Today, Mr. Bibble had a blow-out.

‘Unacceptable’ types of procrastination can cause harm or place one’s life in jeopardy. As seen in the example of Mr. Bibble, by putting off the replacement of a tire, he placed his life in danger. As a result, chronic procrastination can be tantamount to being a sloth.

In the world of procrastination, where do you fall in the classification? Answer the following statements O (often) – S (sometimes) R (rarely) that best describe you:

1. When it comes to making decisions, I try to avoid them.

2. My immune system shuts down during stressful times.

3. I’m resistant to change or trying new things.

4. If I did not have to depend on other people, I would complete so many tasks.

5. Although, I hate my job, I don’t have the desire to look for a new one.

6. When I make plans, I have every intention of following through – but something happens along the way.

7. Since I believe in having fun, it sometimes makes it hard to fit work time in.


Use the following scoring system to tally up your responses:

 O – 2 pts
 S – 0.5 points
 R – 0 points

Chronic Procrastinator Madness. If you scored 6 or more points, you have a bad case of Chronic Procrastinator Madness. To improve your overall life quality and avoid the pitfalls of disaster, you will need to change your procrastinating ways. Not to mention, it could be tainting your personal relationships and professional objectives.

Simplex Procrastinating Shingles. For scores from 3 – 5.5 points, Simplex Procrastinating Shingles is the prognosis. You should make an effort to cutback your planning and deferment ways – because you could slip into the perils of extreme procrastinator-itis.

Average Jo Procrastinator. (0 – 2.5 points). You have a healthy level of procrastinating powers and nothing to worry about.

Improving the quality of your life means achieving and fulfilling your dreams and objectives not putting them on hold.

About the Author

2005 © Holly Bentz is the owner of a media boutique, From conversion driven web copy, to subliminal e-sales letters and informative articles, Bentz takes pride in providing informative yet entertaining copy.