Self Hypnosis For Weight Loss: Are You Telling Yourself To Get Sick?

Did you ever notice yourself saying something like: "She got the flu and lost ten pounds in five days! I wish that could be me!" Be careful you just might get what you wish for.

If notice that you are secretly hoping to get sick just so you can get quick weight loss results, you are not alone. I know you would never consciously decide that you want to get sick, yet secretly you envy someone you know who lost a lot of weight and now wears a size or two smaller. All because she got sick.

The trouble with this type of thinking is that the speck of a thought in the back of the mind, the one you don't consciously believe in, has power. If subconsciously you believe this is an answer to losing weight, you will begin to look for ways to make it happen. After all, you don't really want to be sick, do you? There is a better way.

Use your self-talk to your advantage, by first becoming aware of it. I advise my clients to carry a notebook around with them for an entire day and write down their self-talk as they notice it. Then, I ask them to take note of how much of it is positive and how much is negative.Can you believe no one has ever made it through the entire day? That's because there is so much chatter going on in their mind that it is impossible to write it all down. The important thing to notice is that most of it is negative. It's probably a lot.

Wouldn't you rather have someone talk nicely to you all day? Someone who encourages you? Imagine the success you would have if someone was cheering you on. Realize that you can be that someone. Let the encouragement come from within.

Use self hypnosis to change your inner chatter. It's simple and yet takes a small amount of commitment. Start by writing down what you want to be saying to yourself, commonly known as affirmations. It's really just your self-talk. Make them very descriptive and make sure they are positive. Don't say something like "I don't want to be fat anymore."

Here are a few suggestions: I enjoy the way my body is looking more every day. I enjoy the taste of food more and therefore I eat less.

Repeat these statements as often as you can throughout and you'll soon notice that you have changed your inner voice. You can even turn them into an audio or buy a pre-recorded audio product for quicker results. Self hypnosis for weight loss works without making yourself sick.