Share This With Your Friends

Share This With Your Friends

 by: Donna Doyon

Have you ever received an e-mail that promises you your dreams will come true within 7 days if you forward the story, poem, or prayer to ten people within the next five minutes? At one time I probably received three or four such notes a day. Now that number has dwindled to one or two per week... or perhaps I've just stopped reading and counting them.

Today I received one from a new friend. The subject line stated "Move it along to 7." I guess I wasn't paying close attention, because I actually started to read this one. The opening paragraph stated:

"I picked seven people who I thought would DO this. I hope I chose the right seven, PLEASE send this back to me. I wished for something, and I want it to happen. It can only happen with your help."

Statements like that make me feel like I am being emotionally blackmailed. After all, I don't want to be the reason a friend's dreams don't come true. But the reality is that forwarding e-mail is not the secret to success.

Or is it?

I reread the opening paragraph: "I picked seven people who I thought would DO this... I wished for something, and I want it to happen. It can only happen with your help."

I read it a third time. Something about the wording in this message tugged at me. I thought of the things I want to happen in my life... the goals I've set, the dreams I have. There are so many things in my life that I want to happen.

The question becomes what am I going to do about it? Do I think that by sitting at my computer and sharing someone else's heart-touching poems and stories with my seven closest friends I will secure my dreams? Certainly not.

But what if I started sharing my own goals and dreams with the people I know? What if I picked seven people I thought would DO this [help me brainstorm, plan, find resources, encourage me, support me, inspire me, and so many other things]? What if I entrusted them with my dreams?

Of course, in order for my friends to help me DO anything, I would need a solid idea of what I wanted to do. Or would I? What if I just started bouncing some of my wild "soft-jell" ideas off my friends? What if I shared my feelings of restlessness and lack of direction? What if I shared with them my craziest, seemingly-so-far-out-of-reach dreams with them? What if we used the knowledge, wisdom, and resources of many to fine tune my goals for today and tomorrow?

It's amazing how powerful multiple minds can be when helping you search for your purpose or answers to your questions. Other people may see aspects of your character far differently than you see yourself. Other people may recognize what you consider to be ho-hum abilities as the sought-after talents they are. Other people can help you find ways over, under, or around obstacles that are blocking your path.

Take a few minutes to review the names of the people in your e-mail address book. Identify seven people you admire, respect, or think would support you as you strive to achieve your goals. Choose positive, supportive people who see your potential and will help you reach it. Choose people who are doing things you want to be doing.

Congratulations! You've just identified people who may be willing to serve as your personal Board of Advisors.

Take a few minutes right now to send these people a note. Ask them to serve as your sounding boards, advisors, and accountability buddies. You don't need to have all the answers yet, that's what these people can help you find.

So the next time you receive an e-mail that promises to make your dreams come true if you forward it to seven friends within the next five minutes, do it. But don't forget to tell your friends what those dreams are, because that is what will help you make your dreams come true.