she deserves to live

It is true that we all have to die someday. This is destiny. However it is very wrong for a person to choose to compel another person to die especially when that person is not in the position to decide otherwise, and still has the chance of staying alive. Mrs. Terri Schiavo may have been in a persistent, vegetative state for the past seven years, the bottom line is, she is still alive. It does not matter if she cannot communicate for now, the argument that she is not cognizant of the beauty and wonders happening around her are also an issue of today.Tommorow will change this situation The insistence that her movement is nothing more than neurological tics are not more than a doctor’s professional view. Yet these tics are still movements.No dead person can move any part of his or her body. She is a woman who is still living, a woman who can still derive pleasure from sensing the presence of her family and friends. She can become very much alive if she is allowed to continue to remain in the state she is now. The decision on whether she stays dead should not be the responsibility of the courts.If the Highest Authority wants her dead, she would have be by now. Take a look at the video images of her, see that face, smiling or not. She deserves to be left alone for fate to decide. I have a strong feeling that her faith in this unconscious state is much more than the faith of her persecutors. Lets leave her in peace. God is able to do all things if we believe.


About the Author

daniel is a script writer.