Shift Happens

The troop transport ship moved through the hot and humid South
China seas leaving a phosphorescent wake to mark where it had
been. The moon was full in a cloudless sky leaving it's
reflection on the waters. The exercise in Thailand had gone well
and the three days in Bangkok was a current memory. The young
man standing at the rail on the fantail was at peace.

The ships sound system broke the silence with an announcement.
heard the announcement, but it wasn't for him. A few minutes
later once again the silence was broken. "ALL MARINES REPORT TO
THE MAIN DECK" As he turned to make his way to the main deck he
noticed that the ship was turning, the wake now a large crescent
on the water.

Within the next few minutes the orders had been given. The ship
had turned and the troops were en route to a beach landing in
South Viet Nam. As he and his comrades headed below deck to
their berths he maintained his composure. No one could see the
thoughts of panic, fear and terror running through his mind.
"LIGHTS OUT" He slept and in a dream he cried for help.

Ten thousand miles away and at the same instant the cry for help
issued she awoke. The room was dark and stifling hot. Not the
dry heat of the desert were her 87 year old grandmother lived,
but a humid heat of the far east. As she thought his name she
said "Robert, It's all right." The room instantly returned to
its cool, normal self.

In the hold of the ship, in my dream she came and said, "Robert,
It's all right." I slept in peace; a shift happened! In the
months that followed panic became resolution, fear became
caution, and terror dissolved.

I tell you this story for too often you think that you must be
the one who make the shift in your thinking to evoke positive
results in your life. You hold the thought that you must reach
deep within yourself and gut it out Some how the notion that
"I and I alone" comes to the surface.

Nothing could be further from the truth. While it is true that
you are responsible, it is NOT true that you must travel this
path ALONE. This phenomenon of doing it alone seems
particularly geared towards men, but women aren't immune either.

As I reflect on many of the crises that have come into my life
there were times that I have attempted (note the word attempted)
to make the shift by myself. I was going to make it happen. And
in some cases there seemed to be a positive change. Then I would
discover that I had another experience of the same nature. What
was that all about? Hadn't I made a shift? I was so busy
looking for the changes, making them happen, that I couldn't
see that I was blocking the answer. Back to square one!

Then I was reminded of that which I already knew. It is when we
reach out in the silence and ask for help that the answer comes.
It is when we allow that for which was asked to occur, when we
get out of the way, when we release that which binds us to the
past- shift happens.

About the Author

Rob Wheeler is a Life Purpose Coach who works with individuals
experiencing a sense of lack of direction or purpose in their
life. As a coach he provides the tools to live every moment with
Love, Harmony and Mindful Abundance. You can discover more about
Rob at and subscribe to his
newsletter "Perspectives" by sending blank email to: