Spend Your Passionate Riches

At an early point in my life, my father called me Sarah Bernhardt.
Miss Bernhardt was the premier actress of her day. She was especially
well known for her overemotional histrionics.

Each Sunday morning I put on an incredible show. My Mother would go
to church and leave me home with Dad. I would howl and cry and throw
myself on the floor in horror and as soon as she was out the driveway?
I moved on to something else.

In rapid speed I went from crying, lamenting and wailing to smiling,
laughing and exploring the world without Mom. I imagine church was
the one time my mother got away without one or more kids in tow. She
gave birth to the first five of us (I was number 4) in seven years.

I can now imagine Mom reveling in leaving the house each Sunday
morning. And I can imagine myself, giving it my all to either bring
her back or coax her into taking me along.

When my daughter Katherine was in the crawling stage, Dad was witness
to a very familiar scene. Kathie did as I had done thirty years
earlier. It was then that he told me my Sarah Bernhardt tale. He
laughed to see I gave birth to a natural performer as well.

Sarah Bernhardt said, "Life gets life. Energy creates energy. It is
by spending oneself that one becomes rich."

Even before I could speak I was practicing becoming passionately rich.

Even before Katherine could speak she was practicing becoming
passionately rich.

Society's usual timeline is this: sometime between crawling and junior
high school, we forget how to naturally spend ourselves. Instead, we
adapt to spend ourselves in what we decide is a more acceptable way.
In a way that we believe we will thrive. In a way that we will be
accepted and nurtured and loved, even if we have to wear a mask to
receive love.

As we live, we have the opportunity to return to our practice of
passionate richness.

That does not mean I crawl around my house crying and wailing each
time someone I love leaves me!

What it means for me is I am able to be truly myself in each moment.

I can be very emotional and upset AND let that show through my face,
my actions, my movements, my demeanor. It does not mean I hurt anyone
else, instead with it I purely express what I am feeling.

And then in the next moment, I can choose to move from that lamenting
to fully enjoying that moment, and seeing what energy I can create
within that context.

It does not mean that either demonstration is phoney or incomplete or
not true.

Instead it means that in simply being me that I become rich.

Another legend from drama is William Shakespeare who said this: "All
the world's a stage, and the men and women merely players. They have
their exits and their entrances, and one man in his time plays many '

As we play each part, as we joyfully create our lives, may we remember
to spend it freely. May we loosen ourselves from the strong holds
fear, doubt and previous prescriptions which have kept us away from
our truth.

Choose to love and live with prosperity, abundance and passionate

Passion Activator: In what ways do you enter "the stage" as you truly
are? When you interact with those around you, do they ever mention
times when there is an obvious spark that appears in your words and

Ask three of your trusted friends about a "Spark Time" they have
observed in you in the past month. Review those experiences in your
mind's eye. Glean the experience for Passionate Riches.

Make a choice to build more of those experiences into your everyday
experiences. As you do that one simple step, you will get closer and
closer to spending your life exactly as your heart and soul desires.

Activate Your Passion!

About the Author

Julie Jordan Scott is a Success Coach, Writer, Speaker, Radio Host
and Mom Extraordinaire who inspires people worldwide to live more
passionate lives through her personal and group coaching, teleclasses,
seminars and free ezines.
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