Spring! Time for Love and New Beginnings

Prepare, prepare, prepare! The horizon screams of spring and the budding trees, tulips poking their head above the soil and thoughts of romance and love fill our hearts and minds. Are you ready for what awaits you? Well, if not, we need to get started right away!

First things first, get your house in order, no I am not talking about the dwelling in which you reside, I am referring to the temple (your body, mind and soul) of all existence! Time to throw out all preconceived notions of what the other sex is looking for and re-create the person you are, the person you want to be!

Put that smile to work, make eye contact, approach a stranger (be careful), strike up a conversation, and take the initiative for the new beginning you want to have this year! There is no happiness greater than that which is within you, and love evolves from loving oneself.

Next, get out of that house, off that couch, turn off the TV, and enjoy the world around you. Open your eyes to the beauty of your surroundings and look in amazement how everything changes so rapidly. You are like a flower in spring, let your heart bloom, outstretch your arms and let go of that wall you have been holding up. Update your profile to reflect your newfound understanding of yourself, express your heart, your desires and watch life explode before you. Build it and they will come!

The flowerbed has always been there, but like any growing thing it needs to be nurtured and cultivated. Till your garden, pluck out the weeds, and blossom into a heart open to love and friendship. Be open to all possibilities, it is more than opening your heart, you must open your mind as well to new experiences, new people, new possibilities.

Spring is our opportunity every year to begin again, it is not a resolution, it is a cleansing of all that has been pushed to the back, open the doors and windows to your heart and find what has been waiting there all along.

It is in the air, catch it, make it your own, take what is there and let life and love happen, it will when you reveal all that is beneath the soil to grow and thrive.

Spread your wings this year, fly with no fear, be all that you know you are and can be. Make it happen!

About the Author

Linda Reeves is an advice cloumnist for www.CupidsBlackbook.com a free dating site. She is 47 years old and lives in the American Midwest.