Staying Motivationally Nourished

Motivation is very much like our bodies—without consistent nourishment it dies. We must see that we consistently feed our motivation with uplifting material and people. Dr. Stephen Covey calls it “sharpening the saw.” Taking the time to sharpen the saw increases our productivity and eases the effort. By doing so, we can continuously make progress toward goal achievement.

This nourishment can take many forms:
• Books
• Articles
• Websites
• E-zines
• Discussion groups and forums
• Audio programs
• Live seminars
• Tele-seminars

Just as you should eat a balanced diet, so you should nourish yourself with a variety of sources for motivational energy. At the end of this chapter, I have provided links to some of my favorite authors and resources.

For hundreds of years, books have brought inspiration and instruction to billions. Those who live the “TV existence” vegetate their way around wonderful inspiration. Books teach us, inspire us, entertain us, and can build in us the passion we need to nail our goals.

If we obtain and study books that help us lift ourselves and build our skills, we position ourselves to achieve the greatness we seek. Every author has his own perspective. By reading a variety of subjects and authors, we can take from each the teachings that apply to ourselves.

For me, books represent my favorite means for nourishment.

We now have the added opportunity to obtain eBooks. We can purchase these books online and immediately download them onto our own computers. Some can then be loaded onto our PDA’s for portability. You may wish to read eBooks directly from your monitor, or you may choose to print them out and read them.

Magazine articles can provide you with good motivational nourishment on a single subject. Often, these articles point you to resources available from various sources.

No matter the subject, there are probably hundreds if not thousands of websites covering it. Most of these provide the information to you at no charge. Some websites provide premium memberships that give you access to more detailed information. Most often, the site will point you to resources you can purchase. Either, the site allows you to purchase the resources at their site, or they link you to an affiliate site that pays them for the referral.

Websites can be excellent sources of motivational nourishment. Find a few that you trust, and return to them often. Every few months, search around for additional sites.

Subscribe to one or two. It will only cost you a few dollars a year, and will give you access to hundreds of articles on a variety of subjects.

Want a regular infusion of energy and information? Subscribe to a few e-zines. These publications come to you via email at no charge. Many of them are well-written and insightful. They feature an article or two in each issue, as well as inspirational quotes and stories. And, like websites, they offer resources for purchase.

Select three or four, and read them when they come. It may take you ten to fifteen minutes to read them, but they can provide you with the energy infusion you need to keep focused on your goals.

Of course I am partial to Ordinary People Can Win. And I hope you are benefiting for subscribing to and reading it.

Discussion Groups or Forums
You can link up with like-minded people who are working to nail their goals, just like you. In discussion groups, participants “chat” with each other, propping each other up, and providing encouragement. To join the discussion you send an email with your comments to an email address that forwards it to all members of the group.

From these groups, you can often get ideas for moving past roadblocks to your progress. But pick them carefully—some discussion groups can fill your inbox with dozens of emails filled with nothing but idle chatter.

Another discussion option is the forum. When you join these groups, you go to a website that hosts the discussion. You see the comments of others on the webpage, and can add your thoughts as well.

The advantage of the forum over the discussion group is that you can choose whether to participate or not. You take the active step of going to the website, rather than receiving dozens of emails. Of course, most discussion groups give you the option to receive a daily digest—one email that has all of the responses for the entire day.

In spite of the potential for discussions on useless froth, discussion groups and forums can provide you with help in keeping yourself on track.

Audio Programs
Many personal development authors are also very accomplished speakers. Their programs are captured on cassette or CD for you to enjoy at your convenience. Listening to audio programs during your work commute provides a wonderful respite from talk radio and the news. They fill that windshield time with uplifting ideas. As with books, websites, and other resources, listen to a variety of them, rather than finding one personality you like and sticking with him or her.

Live Seminars
Most of the audio programs discussed above are recordings of live seminars. Occasionally, you would do well to attend one of these events. These speakers transfer their highly-charged energy to the audience—providing them with insight and motivation.

This alternative can be quite expensive, so brace yourself. I have provided some of the best at the end.

Many personal development specialists, authors, website and e-zine owners provide tele-seminars at little or no cost. You register for the seminar, receive the phone number and access code, and join with hundreds of others in hearing speakers or panels discuss pertinent topics.

If you get the chance, join some of these. The speakers often open the lines for questions at the end of their presentations. They usually make their money by pointing you to their websites where they are featuring a special offer for those who participated.

About the Author

David DeFord is the owner of Ordinary People Can Win, a personal development company dedicated to helping ordinary people achieve extraordinary success in all areas of their lives.
See his website at and subscribe to his free weekly e-zine. His new e-book, Ordinary People Can Achieve the Extraordinary—A Practical Guide to Goal Achievement, is available at