Stuck For Ideas: Use These Six Creative Catalysts

Searching for creative ideas? Just use the six principles described here to create innovative ides on demand. No magic even though it seems to work that way.


Creative thinking is not a talent even though some people might appear to be naturally creative. The ability to think creatively is a skill that can be learned, enhanced and taught. People who seem to be more creative have just invested more time and energy learning and practicing to be more creative.


Children seem to be more creative than adults. What does that tell you? That everyone was creative at some point in their life. Many people become less creative as they grow older because they were rewarded for being un-creative. Schools reward compliance not creative thinking. Most jobs demand rigidity not creativity. As we matured we tended to be embarrassed by our attempts at creativity so we avoided that discomfort. If you want to be more creative - think like the child you once were. Spend more time around children and you will be more creative.


If you want to encourage creative thinking - tell a joke or read a funny story. To inspire your team to offer creative ideas, make them laugh. Laughter relaxes you and opens your mind to new ideas. Laughter removes inhibitions and allows your mind to cross over from logical thinking into creative space. If you want to be more creative, laugh.
