Successful Beyond Measure

"I do not measure success by the quantity of what is in my
checkbook, but by the quality of what is in my heart... but
quantity is a close second." Jo McNamara

I looked up the word "successful" in my thesaurus and some
of the words listed were: happy, lucky, fortunate,
unbeaten, undefeated, blossoming. If that is the definition
of "successful", then I am truly "successful beyond

I started dabbling in Internet marketing in October 2000.
It didn't take long for me to become a victim of the
"become-a-millionaire- overnight" mentality that's so
prevalent on the Web. I found a marketing system that
was supposed to be so easy to sell that even beginners could
start making money the VERY FIRST DAY! I spent most of my
time advertising rather than learning HOW to advertise.

By January 2001, I considered Net marketing a hobby. I
wasn't making any money and the $20 checks weren't filling
my mailbox, but playing the Net marketing game was something
amusing to do when I had some spare time.

In June, I found a program I was so impressed with, I became
a member and an affiliate and started promoting it

While I was promoting this program about Internet marketing,
I was also learning from it. It wasn't long before I threw
away the "get-rich-quick" mindset. I began to realize that
this is a profession and like any profession, I would have
to take it seriously and learn my craft. (Never
mind that the last time I studied anything seriously, Nixon
was president.)

Then it happened. My dabbling that had become a hobby was
now a PASSION and my life hasn't been the same since!


"All, everything that I understand, I understand only
because I love." Tolstoy

"Not Quite Ready To Become a Member of Mensa, But..."
Mentally I feel more alert and creative. Every day is a day
of learning something new and of being continuously
challenged. There's a clarity in my thinking I didn't have
before. I actually feel like I've replaced some
brain cells I destroyed in the '70s.

"Move Over Energizer Bunny. She Just Keeps Going And
Going and Going"
Physically I have more energy. I can't wait to get up each
day. I'm not waiting for something to happen; I'm making it
happen. I believe that is the difference between living or
merely existing.

"It Has Been Said, "Everyone gets in a rut...a
perfectionist moves in"
Thinking outside of the box has never been one of my
strengths. But as I try to become more creative, I have to
mentally push myself into areas that I'm not familiar with.
I guess you could say, I have to evict myself from my
comfort zone.

"Grant Me Patience, Lord. But Please Hurry!"
Practicing patience is a hard one for me. I always want
what I want yesterday (the day before would be much better).
I expect results NOW! Net marketing has taught me to slow
down, learn what I can handle today and to
have no expectations for a least a year. I remember
reading, "Internet marketers don't fail; they just give up
before they succeed."

"Mommy, I Can't See It, But I Just Know There's A Monster
In My Closet!"
I have learned that fear is the imaginary monster in my
closet. I am very, very slowly overcoming my fear of
failure. Just writing this article is a
HUGE step for me. The thought of submitting it is downright
terrifying! But whether this article gets published or not
is not the point anymore. I can still consider myself a
winner. I pushed through my fear. I sat down,
wrote it and submitted it.

"The Path Of Your Destiny Is Determined By Your
I refuse to let negativity enter my mind. I have an
attitude of expecting positive things to happen. I think
that's an IMPORTANT key to success in sales. I think that's
a VITAL key to success in living.

I'm still very raw around the edges. I know I have a long
road ahead of me. The more I learn, the more I realize I
need to learn more. I've made a lot of mistakes and there's
A LOT more in the future. But I'm comfortable with
the fact that every mistake is just one more step forward.
And I'm comfortable with the concept that Internet marketing
will keep evolving...keep re-inventing itself. I will never
reach the point where I can say, "I know it all." I will
always be a student; I will always be learning. I find that

I know deep in my heart that one day (not today, not
tomorrow, perhaps not even a year from now), I will be very
good at this. I will be very good at this because I'm not
doing it for the money. I'm doing it because I love
doing it. I'm doing it to keep that PASSION alive.

So to go back to the beginning of what "successful" means: I
am a very HAPPY person. I feel FORTUNATE to have found
something that has introduced passion in my life. I will be
UNBEATEN because it's not all about money. And because of
that I will be UNDEFEATED because I will be able to ride out
the rough times. And I am BLOSSOMING, not only as a
marketer, but also as a human being.

"Only work which is the product of inner compulsion can have
a spiritual
meaning." Walter Gropius

About the Author

Jo McNamara lives in Orlando, Florida, with her eight cats
and her husband (who's allergic to cats). Jo is a proud member
and affiliate of: The Internet Marketing Success Arsenal