Take action!

Please, don't be afraid of change! Don't do what so many good people do, which is "accidentally" smother their true potential by clinging to what "seems" comfortable. Success is created by action. People who get results keep moving, even if they are a little fearful! They do not quit. Sure, there are always some forms on inconvenience and stress in your life that seem like they might be obstacles that would keep you from taking action. Your challenge is to succeed in spite of all this! Don't wait until you feel "ready" to take on a new challenge. Don't fool yourself into believing now is just "too soon". If you wait until everything is "perfect" in your life before you take action, you will be waiting forever! The time to do it is now. The longer you wait before you take action, the more you delay the rewards that are rightfully yours. "Waiting" to change is not enough. Do something - please do something!

About the Author

James Winston-Motivational Counselor http://getfit.blogspot.com