Take Control of Your Health

“I’m sorry. It’s malignant.”
Hundreds of people hear that phrase every day. Those four words can leave your imagination running at 110 miles an hour. Once the initial stunned numbness has worn off, then the riot of emotions sets in; fear, anxiety, grief and, for some, resignation.
All of these reactions are perfectly normal and natural. The human psyche has that built-in survival mechanism to help us recognize a potentially life-threatening situation. Those reactions are part of that mechanism.
Please take a moment and make note of the words I have been using. For instance, a ‘reaction’ is an ‘action’ that is played out over an over again, thus re-action. A mechanism is a mechanical action that takes place automatically. In this state it is no wonder patients feel they have no control.
It is time to recognize that, first of all, YOU are the most important member of your healthcare team. The more active and curious you are about your treatment, the better your outlook will be. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. The more informed you are, the more calm and confident you will feel. Treatments have far more affect when you recognize the benefits and accept them as such.
It is time to recognize that the diagnosis of cancer or some other chronic illness may have changed your life, but that does not mean your life has been changed for the worse. In times like these it is up to YOU to decide how your life has been changed. Once you begin to take control of your treatment, you will begin to realize that YOU have the power to make a difference in your medical treatment and care.
The power of the mind, as we are all learning, is an incredible tool that we have at our disposal. We are literally of two minds; the conscious mind and the subconscious. In the November 2002 issue of Natural Awakenings, I wrote an article pertaining to just that subject. The article talked about how we can change our lives by changing our thought patterns, which reside in our subconscious minds. This is, in actuality, the first step towards healing.
A large portion of our subconscious mind is used simply for the purposes of keeping us alive, generating new, healthy cells, creating more antibodies via our immune systems. Imagine how much more powerful those systems could be with guidance. Studies have shown that, by using powerful visualization techniques while in the theta brain wave state, the survival rate for diseases nearly doubles.
Physical healing is not the only goal of my treatment. You can also use this time to heal your spirit, relationships and heart. Times such as these can serve as a wake-up call. All those things that have been left unsaid can be spoken now. All the times you thought “I should have…”; “I would have…”; “I could have…” can be resolved now. Perhaps you might come to look at this time of life as a gift. This is a gift that allows you the freedom to finally be yourself in the truest sense, freeing yourself from non-productive emotions such as guilt, self-doubt and fear. This is your time now.
While there may be moments of uncertainty, there will always be reasons for hope. Now you have gotten a glimpse of what an effective member of your healthcare team you can be. Now you begin to understand that being pro-active instead of re-active is the solution. NOW is your time. Take charge of your treatment. Ask questions. If you don’t understand the answer, ask the doctor to explain it to you in a way that is comfortable for you. Remember, you are in charge of your healthcare.

Maria K. Myrback is a Certified Hypnotherapist specializing in Complimentary Medical Hypnotism if you have any questions or would like to make an appointment please call 770-713-2804 or visit our website www.holisticsouth.com

About the Author

Maria is a Certified Hypnotherapist and Energy Healer living and working in Metro Atlanta.