Take Time to Create a Life Balance Sheet for Success

It’s important from time to time that we sit down and honestly assess our lives. Doing so allows us to make an honest determination about where we are now and where we want to be in the future. When we’re assessing our finances, we prepare a financial balance sheet. On it we list our debits and credits so that we can determine our bottom line. What if you wanted to determine the state of the life you lead? How is it, or is it not, serving you? The answer is simple – prepare a Life Balance Sheet. Much like a financial balance sheet, list all of your lifestyle debits (choices that detract from balance) such as the following:

Maintaining relationships that drain you
Constantly whining, griping, or complaining
Inability to say no
Always expecting the worse
Being ungrateful
Unwilling to listen effectively
Forgetting to mind your manners
Taking others for granted
Next list your credits – ways you live your life that support and honor you. Anything positive you count as a credit – no action is too big or too small. Below are a few credits that add to your life’s bottom line.

Smile – not just at people you know, but especially at those you don’t
Give to others without expecting anything in return
Do one thing outside of your comfort zone that improves the quality of your life
Allow someone to merge into traffic – even if they didn’t wait their turn
Compliment a salesperson/clerk on a job well done
Use the good crystal and china other than for a holiday
Be honest about what you need to be happy
Read to a child
Dance to your favorite music
Place your neighbors’ newspaper right outside their door
Call someone just to say “hello” and to see how they are doing
Buy a co-worker a cup of coffee or ice cream cone
Walk barefoot in the grass
Tell someone “I love you”
Learn one new thing every week
Every day acknowledge at least one thing in life for which you are grateful
At least once a month, create a Life Balance Sheet. Take a look at your Life Balance Sheet at least once a day. This will empower you, at a glance, to realize how wonderful life can be and allow you to make lifestyle adjustments as necessary. Remember, a great life is yours to create. Go create a fabulous life!

About The Author

Joy Fisher-Sykes is a professional speaker, author, and success coach in the areas of leadership, motivation, stress management, customer service, and team building. You can e-mail her at mailto:jfsykes@thesykesgrp.com, or call her at (757) 427-7032. Go to her web site, http://www.thesykesgrp.com, and signup for the newsletter, OnPoint, and receive the free ebook, "Empowerment and Stress Secrets for the Busy Professional."
