Taking time out!

Recently all I've heard around me, is the importance of

I must admit that I am a 'driven' person. I drive myself
to succeed and have to force myself to take a break.

I have, however, learnt the importance of adding balance
to one's life.

The toll that is taken on not only your physical but
emotional and spiritual well-being, is not good. It is the
one thing that 'forced' me to re-consider. The fact that
my business was suffering because I wasn't holding it
together, was the catalyst for change.

I took a class in Primordial Sound Meditation and learnt
to consciously relax for 20 minutes twice a day. I took
time to read books and rediscovered the absolute wealth
of information a book holds. I took weekends off and
just chilled, took time to walk every morning and marvel
at the wonders of Nature and learnt to 'belly-laugh' again.

Being with Nature has always been a wonderful way to fix
your woes. Taking a walk in the fresh morning air, or
just as the sun is getting ready to go to sleep. Wondering
at the beauty of a newly spun spiders web, closing your
eyes and listening to the chorus of birdsong as the
community prepares for another day. Watching the clouds
as they scamper across the sky. The multitude of shapes
they form and the array of beautiful colors portrayed as
the sun sets behind them.

I have never much fancied fishing, but the other day I
heard a description of a fisherman's desires and he said
it was just wonderful to sit quietly in Nature, for a
couple of hours and come back refreshed and renewed. (I
think I may take up fishing now)

Meditation is a wonderful way of calming the multitude
of thoughts we have every day. It never stops the
voices (who would want to, with the score of brilliant
ideas they come up with), but it helps them take a nap
for a while. I feel so connected to the Universe and to
God, when I meditate and I come out of it, with a deep
feeling of peace.

Reading inspires, motivates, teaches, mitigates and
soothes. I have an absolute fascination for information.
Books have helped people I know, to learn to speak
English; taught them lessons that have helped them to
turn their lives around; motivated them to aspire to
desired heights. Books impart stories that show us we
are surrounded by wonder, every day; heal our hearts;
teach us compassion and help us see others in a new

Laughing is truly 'the best medicine'. Whatever your
sense of humor, there's nothing like laughing until
you're breathless and your stomach hurts. Laughing gives
you character creases around your eyes; it soothes
hurts; it lifts your spirit and it connects you to
those who laugh with you. Laughing at yourself relieves
the pressure; shows up your weaknesses in a way that
allows you to accept them without having to put up a
defensive barrier and connects you to those who were
intimidated by you. It is the ultimate icebreaker and
so, forges unbreakable friendships.

So, learn to 'chill' and you will find your Life is
so much the richer for learning to relax and take
Life 'not so seriously'.

About the Author

Lisa van den Berg is the author of ‘Alleviate Stress –
12 Simple and Easy Ways to Transform Your Life!’
Take the free online Stress Test at
http://www.Alleviate-Stress.com/web/ar14 to see how much stress
you’re under and why you need to do something about it right