Terrorism In The Home

Terrorism In The Home

 by: Lynne Kaska

On September 11, 2001, our nation was forever changed. We were brutally attacked. Thousands of people lost their lives at The World Trade Center, The Pentagon, and in Pennsylvania. These attacks created fear in homes all across the world. We pulled together as a country and grieved the loss of thousands of innocent lives. No one was left untouched by the events of that tragic day. Terror brought us all closer together. As a nation, we vowed to fight for freedom for all, despite any costs

Everyday, behind closed doors, terrorism occurs in every nation, every state, every city, even right next door. These victims are your co-workers, your fellow church members, your teachers, your friends, and even your relatives. Everyday innocent lives are taken at the hand of an angry batterer. Children witness violence first hand and 75% of the time, are victims of violence themselves. A woman in America is terrorized in her own home every 9 seconds. The home is supposed to be safe, a place of refuge, but these women have no safe harbor. Their self-confidence and self-esteem is non-existent. Hearts are broken and perceptions of healthy relationships are forever marred. They never get the opportunity to experience life as it should be.

S.ircle o.f S.afety is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that was founded by Veda and Jerry MacGregor, survivors of domestic violence. Their desire is to offer hope and a new, innovative approach to survivors of domestic violence. They have served their community for over 15 years. As a non-profit organization, the staff members of S.O.S. volunteer their time to help change lives.

If we can come together as a nation to fight terrorism in foreign lands, we can fight the silent terrorism going on right here in our own home. We are currently accepting donations for a silent auction to raise funds for this organization. Please help us change the world one family at a time. For further information on how you can help S.ircle o.f S.afety fight terrorism at home, please check us out at www.sosinc.org.

© August 2005