The A To Z I Beheld

The A To Z I Beheld

 by: Onaefe Edebi

I beheld the sky and its wonders and saw Astonishment

I beheld the earth and its flowers and saw Beauty

I beheld the animals and beasts of the air, land and water and saw the hand of the Creator

I beheld the fullmoon and to me was it , like a blooming Daisy

I beheld the rivers and saw its Effusion

I beheld the star that led the East and saw the Firmament

I beheld the sun and saw the Glory

I beheld the cross and saw my Hero

I beheld the dove and saw Innocence

I beheld the heart of the master and saw a priceless Jewel

I beheld the Pentecost and saw the Holyflame Kindled

I beheld the slaughterand saw the cleansing blood of the Lamb

I beheld my reflection and saw The Creator's Masterpiece

I beheld my loss and looked up to Him who is my guiding star of the North

I beheld The Spirit descend from above and saw the heavens Open

I beheld The throne and saw the big Picture

I beheld the power of His might and saw no Questioning

I beheld the sepulchre and saw the Resurrection

I beheld the open heavens and saw Him who is crowned the morning Star

I beheld The word and saw the Truth

I beheld the HolyOne and saw given to me, the unction

I beheld His church and saw mighty men of Valour

I beheld the fear of Him who is crowned LORD of lords and saw Wisdom

I beheld His breath and light and saw that which is exceedingly greater than Xenon

I beheld my future and saw no more of Yesterday

I beheld the face of my Father and saw myself on the mount of Zion