The Emmaus Journal - The Little Things In Life

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Article Excerpt from
The Emmaus Journal
© C.L. Mareydt d23

The Emmaus Journal - "The Little Things In Life"

Even as 'Believers' we tend to focus our attention on the big grandiose super events, the larger than life images that surround our everyday lives...but there is always more to life than meets the eye. The indirect challenge is to find the more than meets the eye moments and it is usually found in the little things of life. These so called little things of life that would normally be over looked much too quickly; and unfortunately in so doing, miss them altogether. Missing these little things of life to the point of also missing the blessing en-captured therewith.

I had recently witnessed an unassuming gesture of a young man removing an insignificant spider with a cup and paper towel to convey its release outside the living quarters it had invaded. Seeing this small act of thoughtful kindness toward another living creature even as small as a spider; provoked my spirit in response. If the choice had been left to me in the same situation, I know my first natural instinct to squash would have compelled me to immediately eliminate such an ugly creepy thing and mindlessly so without a second thought. But that little act of preservation instead of elimination, toward such a small insignificant creature, performed by a young man at least ten times my own strength and how much more so than that of the spiders; humbled me. To witness his regard of life, even toward one of life's smallest forms, moved upon my spirit in a large way.

Why should I marvel at such a little thing in life? Because I saw the hand of YaHWeH (God) extended beyond the hand of man. A small moment with a small wonder to behold, but a life changing force to partake of. There was no exchange of words, no lectures, or even mental judgments. Absolutely nothing unusual in the reality of that particular moment in life, except I saw it! It then touched my spirit and impacted my life with each passing day with a renewed sense of holy value for life. Thus connecting a greater value of the life force in all the little things of life.

Can it be that we have slowly become desensitized toward regarding the small insignificant, seemingly unprecedented events that life can offer, as meaningless in value? Have we subconsciously deferred to being blindly motivated and stimulated by the dull obtuse, yet, in your face, sequences that life can force upon our natural senses? Perhaps we have become so rigidly scheduled in our personal timetables that we can no longer afford to take that extra moment to see past the glare of our own selves. Which leaves me to believe that much has passed us by, and many divine blessings along the way.

This is not the proverbial 'stopping to smell the roses along the way'. Although we need to remind each other to even do that. This challenge is to purposely allow the little things in life to come into focus. Purposely cultivating an eye to see past the moments 3D reality and allow the divine essence of the moment to be imparted. To at least try to partake of the life given to us on a level that can infuse such a blessed life force of a moment that actually connects us with the life giver, our YaHWeH (God). In so doing we can add to the divine continuum of blessings for not only ourselves, but for many others. This is an acknowledgment of YaHWeH (God) and ultimately it is YaHWeH (God) acknowledging us. The divine transference of YaHWeH's (God's) life force continued in each of the so called little things of life.

It has been said..."We are all dying to live and living to die". But the breath of life from YaHWeH (God) has divinely structured the life force within us and outside of us. This life force is in many different levels, seen and unseen to the natural eye. But the eye is also divinely structured to see past the natural with the life force of YaHWeH (God). To be able to see past ourselves can be a wonderful new adventure. For truly there are still many wonders to behold that have not met the eye yet. No matter what your age may be, no matter what your beliefs may be, no matter where you may be right now; there will always be many more of the little things in life to set your eyes upon and receive the life force of its blessings.

© C.L. Mareydt d23

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About the Author

Inspirational Writer and Author. Book Gallery Includes: 'Who Do You Say I Am', 'I Am That I Am', 'Mountain Top Legacy no. 1', 'Tokens For Life', and 'The Emmaus Journal'. Visit C.L. Mareydt at design twenty three (d23) following Links listed after the article. Thank You.