The End of the World,
For those of you that haven’t noticed the end of human civilization is near. What most people don’t understand that the cause of this is religion and America’s conquest for world domination. Sure Bush claims that his mission is to destroy every terrorist to secure America’s freedom and way of life. What he is not mentioning is how America’s markets have been in trouble ever since the boom followed by corporate scandals. The government thought if the Federal Reserve lowered interest rates again and again the market would gain momentum and recover. They were wrong! This is all part of the scheme of events that will lead to the demise of human beings. Being an American I can not complain about this because I have been enjoying the fruits of America’s long going success and freedom of free enterprise my whole life. However all empires will fall eventually. The Romans, Egyptians, and now the United States is next. What Bush plans to do is to walk into Iraq bomb the shit out of them overthrow Saddam and take over their oil reserves which would pull our market out of recession and then some. Every war has been linked to the different country’s religious beliefs. Everybody wants to put out their own explanation of “How the Universe was created” which is why people follow religions to make themselves feel a since of peace of their existence. The truth is no one really knows how we got here. This great mystery is what will lead to our extinction. I bet Muhammad (founder of Islam) would be turning in his grave right now if he saw what a few power fanatics have twisted his religion into a fine tuning terrorist machine. The “Axis of Evils” is now forming in the Middle East which is growing everyday. The Islam religion has over a billion followers and if Osama’s plan of turning every Muslim against the US and it’s supporters we can expect WW3. Once Iraq uses chemical, biological, or nuclear weapons on our troops the US said they will use nuclear weapons in retaliation. After this happens Nuclear War will begin. Anyways everything going on right now are events that will lead up to “D-day”. There are few elite wealthy nations around the world control everything we see and perceive in the media. These leaders from all over the world headed by the one and only USA will soon form the New World Order. The N.W.O will attempt to form their own currency which all nations will have to oblige to in order to survive financially. Markets all over the world will shut down around 2010 and 2013 will be “D-Day” when the supreme being we know as God will come to earth and wipe everything out accept those who have “faith”. I know this seems very far fetched but it’s my outlook on the future of the world.

On that note I think everybody should live it up as much as possible like today is your last. Guy’s if there is some shorty you have been wanting to holla at but have been to puss to do anything about it, do it. The worst thing that could happen is rejection. Who cares about pride anyways? If you have a business idea but have been too scared that it might not work, try it. You have to take risk to build any business. If you have been waiting for the right person to have sex with, wait no more bang as much as humanly possible because you will regret it in the end. All you people out there stressing about school and being successful stop that shit. American culture has to high of expectations for us to be successful. I am happiest when I just finished having sex for hours and I’m covered in sweat from head to toe. When I look over and see the girl is in a state of sexual bliss from experiencing multiple orgasms and I can barely move this is what I consider success.

About the Author

Name: Dokes
Age: 23
Location: Austin, TX
Occupation: Co-Founder DnF Records