The Final Authority

We will all answer to someone, be it foe or be it friend.

But, I'm very happy to say, "We answer to God, in the end."

While others are, much too busy, judging our own very life...

God, in His mighty great wisdom, has a plan beyond sight.

Though words do not always explain what He has called us to do.

To Him we should ever obey and to always be true.

If we'll only follow Him, we will be blessed with His grace.

If we choose to follow mere man, we'll fall flat on our face.

He's the final Authority, as His Word does plainly say.

If we'll only look to Him; He'll reward on Judgment Day.

The authority God gave man over man, in the Spiritual Kingdom, was done away with in the coming of the Son of Man (Mt. 20:25-28). Christian leaders have no dominion over another (II Co. 1:24a), but are to be helpers of our joy; examples, no longer above us but among us (equal in submission), as a servant instead of a lord (I Pe. 5:2-3).

Being made Bishops of our own souls (I Pe. 2:25), we have both freedom and our own accountability. We can only obey/follow man to the extent man is obeying/ following God. Though leadership is always to be respected and consideration should be given to their words of wisdom (I Pe.5:5); direct access, to God, was provided, through Jesus, and is available to ALL Christians.

When a discrepancy occurs between following man and following God, we must look to the latter. God is a jealous God and requires to be first in all things (Ga.3:28).

"Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty": freedom to follow Christ (II Co. 3:17). Though fear tries to tell us otherwise, God can be trusted to do battle for us when we take the appropriate stand (II Co. 1:24); wherein we can only 'know' by seeking Him.

If you have been in a position where someone tried to control you, your faith, or your calling (thinking it the will of God to be your Holy Spirit); Paul says not to be too hard on them. They did not know (I Co.2:5-8).

© by Joyce C. Lock

This writing may be used in its entirety, with credits in tact,
for non-profit ministering purposes.

About the Author

Joyce C. Lock is a published author, poet, and columnist. In addition, she founded and maintains the email ministries "Heavenly Inspirations" and "Share a Smile" Joyce's writings encourage us in our relationship with God and each other.