The "Flow" Of Money

The "Flow" Of Money

 by: Sheree Rainbolt-Kren

The more we worry about money, and who's asking for it, and why their asking, and should they be asking, and should I be listening, and judging others, then judging their ideas and their work and their very existence....the more we condemn ourselves to a life of pain, worry and confusion. Most people do not realize they are doing this to themselves. Everyone on the planet, regardless of their calling is perfectly entitled to be paid for their time and expertise.

Find joy in trusting in the Universe to attract to you the perfect person, place, thing or fee that is right for you in the moment you are in. Perhaps you are being asked by the Universe to pay for spiritual work because you have negative judgments about it. Nothing in life is free if you are out in the world juding others on the way to finding free help all the time. You might pay with money, or you might pay with guilt, or you might pay with health, or you might pay with fear, etc. For every thought we hold there is an effect. We decide the effect. We often ignore or deny the people that appear to us and their gifts because they do not look like we think they should. We are literally closing ourselves off from infinite possibility. If you are experiencing a life where the things you want and need are out of reach financially, there is a lesson in that. Consider the positive flow of the Universe. Find a new way of perceiving things, and you will have all the money you need and you will be happy to feed love and light into a prosperous Universe. Ask to be led. Give what is asked, without judgment, and know that the Light is more powerful than your fears. If by chance, you show up at the wrong address (which does not happen) the Angels will step in and add their monumental blessing to the faith you expressed in yourself. You will receive what you paid for and much more.

Blessings, Sheree