The God Ego

Why are governments so intent on controlling every aspect of its citizens’ lives?" Because it makes them feel like God. Or in other words, more secure with their delusional views of human destiny and fate.

The Elite that has always controlled information and knowledge is called the God Ego. Today the main players are mainstream media and the politicians. Because of the increased desire to control our own lives, in the years to come, you will see the masses breaking free from the God Ego’s dominance and control.

To understand how the fate of the world unfolds, you have to examine the nature of power.

Power can be divided into two categories: Internal Will and External Will.


External Will, the power of the God Ego, includes Political Religious Extremists, corporate wealth, military might, and political influence.

Power allows the God Ego to believe their lives are above all others. From this position, they work very hard to manipulate and control the destiny of the masses, i.e.… invading and taking over other countries, permitting certain portions of the human population to die as a result of disease, starvation, genocide, and war.

To the God Ego, the purpose of life is to be on top of the Food Chain which allows them to believe they are protected from human destiny, that is, death. But, those who imprison, rape, and kill, eventually destroy themselves. As The God Ego breaks away from the simplistic concept of God as all-loving, all-forgiving and peaceful; to create their own God in an image of themselves, they eventually begin to perish. That's why the world is in such a mess, you are watching the destruction of the arrogant God Ego. Although the God Ego will tell you they are invincible ( George W. Bush Regime.)


Internal Will includes a strong moral/ethical discipline and a merging of psychological/ spiritual peace. In the near future, as in the past, the God Ego and humanity’s true spirit will clash. The human heart and spirit will abandon the God Ego leaving only a few right wing pests. The consciousness movement has brought millions in touch with their inner selves. It may seem like breaking the power of the God Ego and the control they have over the masses is an impossible task, but all extreme forms of power articulated through the World Ego eventually destroy themselves, i.e… Roman Empire, Hitler Regime, Fascism, and now the George W. Bush Regime.

Although regular 9 to 5 working people exert very little external will, their inner will has grown quickly, silently and powerfully. Once the gap between The God Ego and humanity widens, the God Ego’s hold over the people will evaporate.

As people grow and become one powerful voice, they will hear and react to the spirit calling from within.

Teach this, and soon the idea will catch on like the common cold, and self empowerment will spread throughout the masses.

Copyright 2002,2003,2004 © TrysDan Roberts

About the Author

About the author:
TrysDan Roberts is a published author of articles and the novel, The Sinking Of Noah’s Ark. For more info about TrysDan go to : Email TrysDan at: