The Goldilocks Principle

This was introduced in the December issue of InnerRhythm Newsletter. Sign Up For FREE -

Do you remember the story of Goldilocks and the 3 Bears? It's quite a simple story and as an adult only takes minutes to read. Can Goldilocks help you get ready to do anything? She sure can!

From the story, what most of us remember is the repeated theme of 'too hot, too cold, just right', 'too hard, too soft, just right'. How did Goldilocks actually know which was which? When I was reading this story to my little cousin, this thought sprouted in my mind - how did she know which was 'just right' for her?

The thing is... she 'just' knew. That's the message for all of us: we all 'just' know what's 'just right' for us and where our personal balance lies. It's simply just a matter of trusting ourselves. The messages may seem inconsistent, but they are always almost appropriate for where we are in the moment.

What's going on right now? Is it too much? Is it too little? Listen within for the answer. It's there and you can trust it. This principle is known to me as the "Goldilocks Principle" and it's a great tool to use. What is 'just right' for me, right now?

So often, as we move through life, when we decide to institute some new action or behavior, in order to move out of the 'status quo' we find it necessary to move from one extreme to another. Check out the below coaching tool to learn how to jump right into an excited state...

Although we intuitively know what is 'just right' for us, we do use clues and they are from the extremes. Too hot, too cold. Too little, too much. Too hard, too soft. Too black, too white. We know when something is "too" anything for us. The important trick is to remember to ask:

What is 'just right' for me, right now?

About the Author

Kavit Haria is a life and rhythm coach who runs InnerRhythm Coaching practice. He has appeared on many radio shows, newspapers and magazines and is a talented musician too. He runs a bimonthly coaching newsletter packed with tips, tools, and strategies to dramatically improve the quality of your life. Join now at