The Good Life 5 Simple Steps

There are many ways and means to accomplish whatever you want done. However, I have found that the most successful ways are so subtle and simple that they are usually overlooked.

As I try to decide what projects to work on here at our horse farm, it is so very easy to become overwhelmed with the big picture. How can I build a barn that big? Where will all the money come from to pay for it? How do I clear 6 acres of land and turn it into pasture? And so on.

Yesterday, as I was feeling a bit overwhelmed, I took a rake and went out to the pasture and spread piles of horse manure. Several wonderful things happened. First, I got the manure spread, which helps fertilize the field, lower the fly and insect population, and makes for less piles for us to step in! Secondly, I realized that this is great job for our four-year-old who will love knocking down those piles!

The most important benefit was that I was able to very much enjoy just being in the pasture and making a contribution toward our ultimate goals. My mind was free to smell the unique odors of horse ranching and the outside air. I could listen to the horses communicating, the birds and the geese down by the lake, and watch the dog searching for whatever it is that dogs search for.

In other words, I was able to take the time to be grateful for what is here and now. I completely stopped thinking about the future. And I got something done!

We all want everything right now. The only problem with that is that when you get what you want, you are still hungry. There is something else to want! If you are not careful, you will go through life always hungry, but stuffed so full you are bloated! Metaphorically speaking that is!

So to remind myself, and a coaching client or two that is going through this same lesson: here is the formula for living the good life.

1. Above all else: Be yourself. Do not try to be anyone else. Be uniquely you and take great pleasure in that.

2. Do what you love to do. If your life is made up of struggle, then look at that struggle and ask yourself: what is the cause of the struggle? Are you doing things you do not want to do?

3. Gratitude opens the door for all else. Be continually grateful for all that you have. It is a gift. If you and I were to talk today, how many things would you list that you are thankful for?

4. Set your goals and intent and take the steps necessary to achieve them. Communicate your dreams to the Universal Power, then follow through on your part.

5. Let go the outcome. What control do you have anyway? And, if you are enjoying being who you are, and you are enjoying doing what you love, then anything that comes after that is a complete blessing! Why worry about it? Just make it happen!

These five steps are the basis of all the personal coaching that I do. I have seen people 'get' this and change their lives. Go ahead and create yours.

About the Author

© 2003 Miami Phillips is an ANSIR Certified Personal Coach and the founder of Creative MasterMinds. Miami believes personal growth is an essential ingredient to being happy and contributing to this world. Visit Creative Masterminds at Email: