The Heat of Desire

"Although I took to New York straight away I was really
lonely. I would take whatever I could in a taxi-cab to wher-
ever I was going to next. I'd take a big breath, grit my teeth,
blink back my tears and say, 'I'm gonna do it- I have to do it
because there's nowhere else for me to go." (Madonna)

The above quote whether you care for Madonna or not is
about desire. I personally know about not knowing what's
next, about taking a big breath, gritting my teeth, blinking
back my tears and saying: I'm gonna do it- I have to do it
because there's nowhere else for me to go.

I personally know about that level of desire, where you have
to have something, so much that you taste it in every part of

If you or I want the experience of Millionaire, or simply a
lifestyle that reflects ease, success and harmony in all areas
of our lives, including finance, and livelihood; then our desire
level has to be that high and that deep in order to attract it.

The it we are wanting to attract is in the experience, event
or circumstance that carries to us our overall intention for
lifestyle/livelihood change. This is about the energy that we
are emitting that is then answered by conscience/universe/god/

If we are allowing our checking account balance, which is
that limiting line that we may think of constantly, to keep us
from following our inspirations, our loves or gifts, then it too
limits us in what we emit and how we are answered.

If we say, we don't think about money that much, then I have
to ask you, are your dreams coming true? And if they are or
they are not, is sweet money attached to it in some way but
you are not choosing to see it that way?

In studying wealth & successful people who have also chosen
to follow their gifts, which then led them to wealth & success,
they all had several things in common.

A. They had a high desire and would not allow themselves to

get in their own way, no matter what.
B. They developed many income streams. If you want wealth

it will not come from your 9-5 job.
C. They followed what they really loved to do, no matter


All of A-B-C above are about moving energy. We are now
understanding how to do it on purpose so that we don't have
the hardships along the way.

But the most important part is that this high desire comes
from our Spirit side. We the human personality are merely
the dress. Are You Paying Attention? Or are you pushing
high desire away from you, because it may send you out into
that wonderful place of the unknown, which is where our
dreams come true are. Are you Paying attention? Am I?
I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I am.

Where in lies your desire? It's the primary tool to bring to
you your dreams come true! Can you feel the Heat of it?
I's in every cell of my body.

About the Author

Author/Consultant, Susan James, Writes & Teaches the
Application of ©User Friendly Physics to Human Potential.
>From Dreams Come True To Weight Loss. Author of:
Manifesting 101 & Beyond/ MM4M:Manifesting Millionaires
(ebook/print soon)