The Law of Abundance

The Law of Abundance
This universe that we live in is a place of abundance. Look around you and you will see abundance everywhere. I planted a couple little cherry trees last year, this year they are bent over with cherries. The Grass in my yard grows faster than I can keep up with it. It grows thick in places I don't want it and little fruit trees are coming up all over the lawn. We too are abundant creatures we have been created with a multitude of ideas and talents to carry them out. There is a spiritual law that we must give to receive. It is in giving that things come back to us. So whatever you would increase in your life first give away.
Yet when many people try to manifest prosperity, they don't achieve their goals. What happens?
Now we can't give away what we do not have. So say you want to give love you must first love yourself. This sounds like a paradox it is not. We must be the very thing we would give so to give love we must be loved and loving. This law works in reverse for us too. Say you are fearful that is just what you will give away and what you will receive back from the universe. So we want to monitor our thoughts and see what we are sending out.

If we are going to manifest true prosperity, we must first bring our consciousness into attunement with the Higher Power. When we are aligned with our Higher Power we are at peace knowing that all our needs will be taken care of in Divine Order. When we reach this point we then are at a place to ask for guidance in the silence. It then becomes easier to brings specific goals into manifestation. It is not uncommon for us to change our minds several times as we learn to listen to our Higher Power and begin to ask for our highest good and find it is not what we started out desiring.
We create our own reality. We attract those things in our life (money, relationships, employment) that we focus on. I wish I could tell you that it is as simple as stating an affirmation, but no affirmation is going to work if your mind hought is negating the positive.

When we focus on "the fear of scarcity" then we create that experience for ourselves. When we focus on "I hate my job" then we will never notice the aspects of our employment that might be satisfying. Basically, just wanting something isn't going to bring that to us when we continue to obsess on the not having of that something. We negate the very thing we are trying to manifest.

Agree with the Law and accept the truth that you have been given everything.When we do this, our consciousness becomes the Law of Abundance. We take on the energy, power, and force of the
Higher Power and become an open channel for our desires to manifest through us. What takes place when our minds agree with the law of abundance is an acceptance Which is similar to a light being turned on in consciousness, and ideas begin to fill our minds. These ideas are in the form of helpful solutions, actions to take to bring manifestation of our desires. Then once the fear has been quieted through purposeful activity, the Higher Power takes the next step and begins to connect you, with the people, places, situations, and conditions to bring more of the already-present abundance into your life. From there you continue your upward climb until the gifts of the Law are fully recognized. Gratefulness speeds up this process.

About the Author

About the Author: Judi Singleton publishes both the free edtion and the paid edition of Jassmine's Journal you can subscribe at