The Law Of Manifestation Was There The Whole Time!

In seeking success, many people have heard of the law of manifestation (also known as the law of attraction) and would like to put it to work for them.It's misunderstood by some as some sort of magic, and by others as a hoax.

The core idea behind the law of manifestation is: thoughts become things.

This is where all the confusion begins.

Imagining daily deliveries of checks, for example, may seem like all that's necessary to manifest immense financial wealth. Time spent seriously imagining deliveries of checks is no longer daydreaming, it becomes a form of work! In your mind's eye, you can see the checks, some for hundreds of dollars, but most in the thousands! This little exercise occupies your time for a few weeks or months.

They say that the proof of the pudding is in the eating. So okay - there was no pudding at all here. What happened?

Thinking about money won't create money. The law of manifestation doesn't repeal the basic law of economics: wealth must be earned.

If you want to get money, the law of manifestation will help you set yourself up for it. When you focus on thinking about money, you will become more sensitive to money-making opportunities.You may notice an advertisement as you go through your day for a money making opportunity, or a friend might tell you about a stock tip, or a business associate may ask you to partner with him in a new venture.

There's no magic - these things were going to be there whether or not you were concentrating on money.Before you started concentrating on money, you weren't paying attention to money-making opportunities in your daily routine. You see, our minds are bombarded with countless things at all times. In order to stay sane, we filter out what we pay attention to. Think about it - the last time you went shopping and bought eggs, what size were they? And what brand were they?We can only pay attention to so much stuff and we just filter everything else out.

By focusing on an intention, such as attracting money into our lives, we dial into that wavelength and we start to notice money making opportunities we otherwise wouldn