The Life Of Happiness

The Life of Happiness

What makes you happy? Is it your dog/cat? Does what makes you happy; give you a sense of freedom? It should. If you’re really happy and you know it clap your hands! Go on don’t resist the temptation to clap, I just did.

The day in the life of happiness, starts somewhere. Its starts with the thought of a smile, with the facial muscles having a meeting in our cheeks, agreeing that your body needs a good smile, like it should everyday. I like to think of our smile as a medical science that helps us get rid of mental stress.

There are so many songs about happiness aren’t there? Cliff Richard for example. He smiles when he sings, bringing happiness I suppose to him and whoever watches him in the first place.

Can you tell a person by how happy they are? No. It’s impossible to tell really. There are great people in this world that for the face of the public can make you smile and look like they haven’t a worry in the world, but deep inside they are troubled. The men/women who can achieve that are so brave it’s almost thought upon as godlike.

Life goes on. If for every sad moment in our lives, like the death of a loved one, we become even sadder, then this planet is in for a bad time. Its people who make our day, that gets the world spinning. If we all stayed in sadness we would get depressed. But for the many who work and are there to serve us, and also who put a brave face one, deserve credit.

But you know as well as I do, there are people who serve us, who don’t smile or look lively do they? This has a bad affect and effect on the company the are with. Make it a nice little addition to your service as a human to smile more.

Do you know how much of an impact you have on a person when you smile? When you next go into a shop, and see someone behind the counter who is not smiling, I guarantee that if you smile at them, genuinely they will smile back, and if you give a little attention to them they will liven up and start talking, bingo, you’ve made someone’s day and happiness has started for them.

I think that people who are always happy are the best to have around you. Someone happy and loves life, are great to be with. Happiness is full, full of surprises. The immune system gets stronger for some reason the more happy you are.

Don’t look at life so bad. Life is what you make it. There’s me going on about being happy. It sounds almost to easy to do doesn’t it? Well it is. First you have to start being happy with yourself. You’re the one who controls your life aren’t you?

Listen to someone laughing, and you will start to laugh to, even if its not funny. If you get one of your friends to start laughing and laugh for a minute, gurantee you’ll feel better, and so will they. Try it, im not lying, listen to someone laugh and you feel better by just hearing them. Its free therapy, and no one charges for it.

I bet that if I started to charge for people laughing I would be able to buy the world 4 times over, id be that rich. Bill Microsoft gates couldn’t spend his money to buy my money, he’d be considered poor in my eyes. Anyway enough of money, cause my eyes started to get bigger and I had thoughts of me buying expensive stuff like boats and cars.

The most FREE therapy and fulfilling conditioning voice therapy you’ll ever need is hearing a baby laugh… if you’re a mother you know what I mean. Know one cannot laugh if you hear a baby laugh.

The life of happiness starts with a new born baby, but doesn’t end, as we can laugh for a very long time.

About the Author

What you read is what you read, what you see is what you get. "A Smile a day attracts more your way"... the best way to show the world what you know, is to WRITE right?