The Life or Death of Your Dream - Forums Can Make The Difference!

Do you use online Forum areas for enjoyment, entertainment, business, relationships,... For your goals program?

Are you stuck somewhere on a plateau; you have achieved some good things, but can’t seem to get past your present situation for some reason?

Is there an elusive goal that you never quite seem to achieve no matter how much time you spend, no matter how hard you try, no matter how much work you throw at it?

Try the Power of Synergy, the Power of Team, the Power of Online Forums. The right group of people can help propel you past barriers. They can help you master procrastination. Associating with the right group of people who already have what you want, and who are going for the same goals; creates a bond, a strength, a power superior to that which one individual can call up.

It is similar to comparing the power of a battery six pack, against one lone battery, the strength of the six pack will outlast the one, and, make the one seem dull by comparison. So it is the same with people.

You create synergy, momentum, clarity, drive, and determination towards what you want, by the sheer energy of the group all moving in the same direction, towards successful living.

Pick the right forum for you, and begin to associate with people interested in your success and your journey on this path we call life.

The right forum to help you get what you want will include the following:

Excitement, a posting craze that boosts your energy, your passion, shows you strategies, shows you possibility, gives you recognition and significance for your individuality. The people are not judgemental and they care about your right to go for something different in your life.

Association with people, lots of people, who have gone before you and already have what you want, people that are still in the chase, still actively seeking the same or similar goals to yours. You become who you associate with. Associate with those who care, who serve, who empower you, allow you to give back, those who invite and welcome you into the community, gives you an awesome feeling.

Connection, a community where you can safely share your desires, your needs, your challenges, your thought processes to get to where you want to go. A place where everyone realizes that they are different and somehow alike at the same time.

A closeness which can only be felt by people sharing each other’s life journey, it’s rewards, it’s challenges, it’s ups and downs so to speak. A community where you can build your future and help someone else build theirs.

There are many good people and good to great forums concerning all manner of things, forums as varied as there are people on this planet. However, for goal setting and successful living, one forum heads my list as number one.

At the time of this writing I have found only one place which qualifies in all of the above. Total Life Success Forum at Forum owner and Life Coach, Mark Farmer and his team of mentors successfully draw you out and support your success every step of the way.

Just so you know, I receive no financial consideration for this, this is not an affiliate link. I love what they have done with the place!

You’ll be amazed at the results as you gain clarity, write out your goals and action plans with the support of the Total Life Success community.

As you focus and take action on one specific target goal you will create empowering habit patterns and routines which will serve you for life. Enter a 21 day challenge. It will call upon the best in you, to move you past old behaviors, create a new start for developing and achieving that which you hold most dear.

You’ll be supported by leadership and mentors who are interested in helping you find your way. Commited to investing time and efforts into people. Commited to regularly asking enlightening questions, and answering questions posted by the community. A caring which enables them to know what to say and when to say it, at those times when you need it most.

I make it a point to regularly visit, ask for help, and maybe contribute a little bit. It has been a Class 1 experience for me and I’m sure it will be well into my future. I urge you to check it out and give it a test drive. You will be amazed at the depth of knowledge and experience available for the asking. Oh, and it is all free.

So, go see Mark at , and look around. Ask some questions, make some posts, get the feel of the place. You will be glad you did!

Copyright 2004 Al Smith, All Rights Reserved

About the Author

Al Smith writes for and publishes The Realgoalgetter Ezine and The Realgoalgetter Website. His articles deal mostly with goal setting, self improvement, motivation, and overall health and fitness. If you enjoyed this article, there is more information on The Realgoalgetter Website at