The Power of Foreplay

The Power of Foreplay

 by: Vivianne Lacrampette

The importance of foreplay has been talked about often in almost every sex guide on the planet. And yet, here we take a go at the subject again! Are we crazy? Quite! Nevertheless, the kind of information available in the free domain didn't really impress us, so we decided to do a small write up for our dear readers!

In this two part article we will tell you some ways to make your woman go crazy... and maybe even have an orgasm before you touch her secret places! Are we kidding? Not quite! But before all that it is important to mention that the foreplay doesn't start neither by kissing the lips nor by kissing the necks. It starts way before... at the moment your woman is comfortable with you, when you have gotten to know her some and are about to make a move. During our time we have seen some disasters, like a man who is talking about the city drainage and then decides to kiss the woman! Jeez! Get a life mate! But without further ado, lets take a look at the first ten steps that are important to foreplay!

Before Foreplay

  • Take a bath and smell good. Nothing is worse than smelling sweat on a man, no matter how sexy he is.

  • Groom yourself for the occasion. Dress nicely, look elegant and confident.

  • Get to know your woman a bit. At least know the basics of what she likes and especially what she doesn't.

  • Talk about exciting things from the start. Not about weather, not about how bad you feel; rather about things that make you feel good and make her feel good. Make her laugh some.

  • Always keep a steady eye contact, and every now and then look at her most gorgeous features and sigh to yourself, "Oh How Gorgeous Are Thee!"

And now lets get down to business! Onto The Ten Ways to Excite Your Woman!

  1. Foreplay starts with words. Talk about something exciting, that will turn her blood hot. Now that doesn't mean getting her angry! Some nice topics are romantic spots, sea shore, mountains and flowers. But you can choose any topic and make it hot! Tell her about something in your life that really excited you, or if you know her well enough, tell her an anecdote that will please her. If you don't have one, make one! For instance something like "The other day, I was watching this show on discovery about the disney rides. And there was this one ride that they were talking about, you know the roller coaster. It was really amazing. The way it would go up and down, moving along at such a fast pace. Itwas really exciting! Speed and thrills with that wee bit of fear, rolling up instilling you with excitement, and then it would go down, so that you could feel the air brushing against your face..." The bolded words are where you should be laying emphasis.

  2. Actions can speak even louder than words! While you are telling her the story touch her lightly and move your hands. Move your hands like a wave when you say Up and down and then bring your hands close to her face when you talk about feel the air brushing against your face. If you think you are comfortable enough, you can even blow air just around her ears! But beware... around her ears, making her hair move, not full in her face!

  3. Throughout the conversation, touch her every so gently. Start invading her private space. Now I said private space, not private places! A slight touch on the elbow, remove a peck of dust from her hair, or just hold her hands and massage them with your fingers.

  4. Now start getting adventurous. If she is tired propose to massage her neck. Or just pull her towards yourself and give her a hug just because she said something nice. Start invading her private space even more.

  5. Now is the time to tell her how gorgeous she is or compliment her on something she is wearing. Before this time, you will just make her defensive. But right now, she will know you are sincere because your eyes have been telling it to her all through the evening! Tell her how you like her deep eyes, and then ask her softly if you can touch her face.

  6. Become more cozy with her, touching and caressing her in non sexual places. But don't lean over to kiss her... not just yet. Let her beg for it. For instance just let your finger roll down her back, or caress her shoulders. Even a slight rubbing on the knees can be sexy, if you are gentle and soft enough.

  7. Your talk should be getting more erotic now. That doesn't mean telling her about your conquests, but just start using sexy words. If there is something you feel, share it with her. Also, start talking more softly, so that she has to be real close to understand. Start whispering in her ears, making her a partner into your secrets. But not the dirty secrets, not just yet!

  8. Now while you are whispering, your mouth close to her ears, allow your lips to touch them. Give her a soft kiss, more like a peck. Then move back, allowing her to move into you. When she does, give her a slightly longer kiss on her ears, and then say something funny or interesting.

  9. Start moving your hands all over her body, still leaving out her obvious pleasure points. No touching her breasts for now! But her belly, her back, her neck, her arms, her legs, her chin and her hair are good places.

  10. Start moving your kiss downwards from her ear on to her neck, but don't start eating her neck! Just soft and tender kisses. So soft that she has to lean into you to feel them! And now be patient for the next part of this article!

These are of course suggestion, to give you a basic idea. There are loads of things that you can do following these basic principles!