The Power of Thoughts

How often have you gotten started on something new with great positive energy and everything went well in the beginning? Whether it was a new job, a new relationship, moving to a new area, a new project, anything. You started off with zeal and passion. But after a while you grew tired. Your positive energy began to turn negative and your thoughts began to work against you. Before you knew it you started creating things you didn't want.

It all started when you lost focus on what you wanted. Instead of creating what you wanted you started saying things like, I hate my job, my boyfriend/girlfriend is difficult, I don't like it here anymore, and the pattern continued. Then things get progressively worse and you wonder what went wrong.

I believe this is what went wrong. You lost control over your thoughts and stopped creating the things you wanted in your life.

Thoughts are powerful forces of energy and can only come from your own mind. Since you are the only person in charge of your mind, you create the thoughts that create the circumstances in your life. Since your thoughts create reality, you create your reality.

Just as the conscience mind is the source of thought, so the subconscience mind is the source of power. You give instructions to your subconscious mind through your thoughts. It doesn't know good from bad or right from wrong. It only follows your instructions, which are your thoughts. It will create anything you tell it.

Pay attention to your thoughts. Analyze them and listen to what you are thinking. Then decide if these are good thoughts, bad thoughts or needless thoughts. Decide if these thoughts work for you or against you.

Take control of your thoughts and make the most of your life. Remember, the Bible says, “Whatsoever things are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report, if there be any virtue, or any praise, think on these things.” (Phil 4:8)

About the Author

Daniel N. Brown is the publisher of the "Living the Abundant and Prosperous Christian Life" Newsletter. A free weekly publication that teaches people how to live the abundant and prosperous Christian life. Receieve a free copy of Dan's 14 page report entitled, "5 Biblical Keys to Outrageous Prosperity," when you sign up.