The Power Within Is Yours!

How many times have you said "If Only I could Do That"

I used to say that to myself very often, till I realized
that I can do Anything I want, if I want it enough!

Lately, I don't really set goals, I just think them, and work
toward accomplishing them, a day at a time. I see myself
having already accomplished the task I set in my mind, and
within a few weeks of concentrated thought, or less, I have
achieved that goal.

I'm not talking about small tasks, just the Big Ones that
I would have thought would take me Many months, or even
years to accomplish.

I often break up the Big jobs into smaller steps, and set
the priority of each step in order of their importance
toward accomplishing the Big Job, and complete each
task in order of importance.

Lately, my big task is one of changing my whole life
from working for other people to being completely Self-
Employed. Yes, I do have my own business on the internet
selling books and information products, but I still
have My Day Job!

I have worked for Other People for the past 40 out of
my 49 years in one capacity, or another. Most of that
time I have worked as a CNC Machinist machining metal
parts for many different things, and the work has been
interesting, but I am growing weary of the J.O.B. and
the Time Clock! I need more money, and time to enjoy
it. It's time for a Big Change!

I recently made a change in my attitude, and my Agenda.
I vowed to be completely Self-Employed by the age of
50. Will I make it? My answer is YES!

I am determined to make it, but I can't do it alone.
I am in business to make money, and to help other people
change their lives, like I am doing to my life.

My business is helping others to realize their True
potential of accomplishment, be it either Mental, or
Physical through reading books and information products
that were written for that purpose.

Do you know the Good that you can do, if you are
determined to do it?

Most people don't, and are more concerned about getting
through their lives, and meeting their living expenses.

Pardon me, but that is Not Living! it is Just Surviving!

That's what I have been doing all of my life, and I Want
More! I'm sorry, but I want Much More than just to
survive in this lifetime. I want to make a difference,
and I have already - to many people, and will to many

After you have finished reading this article I want you
to visit my website, and look around. Make yourself at
home, and read a few pages. Then, after you are finished,
send me an email about what you think about my website,
good, or bad. Remember, criticism is often just a different
view point.

Remember, Only You Can Change Your Life, If You want to!
If you are comfortable with your lifestyle, then let it

But, if you want to change, the first thing that you
need to change is your thinking toward yourself, and your
life. Then decide what you really want to accomplish, and
sit down in a quiet area and write out your plan, and re-
write as many times as it takes to get it worked out in
a logical, and practical order. Then plan each day according
to accomplishing a step in the Master Plan!

Hey, Have a great day, and remember: You are your own Master!

Roy Cook

About the Author

Roy Cook
Owner, Writer,
Publisher, Webmaster
Books, CD's, Business Reports,
Life Improvement Information,
Home-Business Information.
Business eBooks and information.
Celestial Visions Co.
P.O. Box 95697
Hoffman Estates,
IL., 60195-0697