The Problem With New Year's Resolutions

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Cyndi Smasal

Word Count: 287 words at 65 characters per line

The Problem With New Year's Resolutions
Cyndi Smasal
(c) 2002

The moment you make a New Year's Resolution, you have a problem.
Here's why.

When you make a resolution you are telling yourself that you want more than you already have. For example, you resolve to quit smoking or lose weight to have a more healthy lifestyle.

When you make a resolution like this, you are asking yourself to change the way you live. To change the way you live, you will have to grow.

The potential problem begins when you want to do something new that doesn't match the person whom you know yourself to be. This creates an internal conflict. Part of you wants to change, and another part of you wants to remain who you are out of habit. Many times this internal conflict creates negative self-talk or criticism, which can paralyze you and stop you from keeping your resolution.

It's easy to start the New Year with good intentions and a list of resolutions. But it's hard to follow through with those resolutions all year. Sometimes they don't last a month or even a week. Another reason it's hard to follow through and keep a resolution is the lack of a support system. Everything in your life is set up for you to do things the old way. In order to start doing something new, you have to set a new structure and support system in place to reinforce your new behavior until it becomes a new lifestyle.

This New Year, instead of making resolutions, think about what outcomes you want to have at the end of next year. Then establish a structure and support system with all the resources you need to make it happen.

Cyndi Smasal: Jump-Start Coach & Inspirational Speaker
Gives focused one-on-one Coaching to people who want to make big leaps forward in their business or personal life.
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About the Author

Cyndi Smasal is a "Jump-Start" Coach and Inspirational Speaker who inspires people to manifest their dream. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science, 15 years start-up experience and specializes in working with entrepreneurs who want to start, focus, or expand their business without giving up their life. Send e-mail to for a FREE Coaching Session or visit for more information.