The Real Secret To Achieving Any Goal

There's a lot written these days on how to make your dreams come true. "The Secret," and various other Law of Attraction material that has been around for ages. Seemingly mystical and metaphysical processes that at best, seem to be hit and miss. The good news is that setting and achieving goals is a relatively simple process. Since you'd like to find out how, keep reading.

The mind is an organ of an incomprehensible complexity. That doesn't mean there's anything mystical or magical about it. It merely means that it is an incredibly complicated and highly functioning thing that we have between our ears. Unfortunately, it doesn't come with an owners manual, so most of us are absolutely clueless on how to operate it properly.

It can help to understand how it came to be in it's present state. Through millions of years of evolution, people that had brains that helped them survive usually did pretty well when it came to passing on their genes to their ancestors. Those who had brains that made it difficult to survive (like the instinct to go up and pet a crouching tiger) generally didn't live long enough to pass on his or her genes.

Evolution can be thought of as millions year long filtering process, and we are the results. Our brains are the result of millions and millions of years of competition between and within our species. What does that mean for the average goal seeker today? How can that help you make money, attract love, and lose weight? Read on.

The brain has something called a reticular activating system. It's that part of your mind that lets you know when there's something around you that is important. A tiger, dinner, an attractive and potential mate. This allowed our ancestors to survive in a harsh environment, as it kept most of the thinking at an unconscious level. This is also the reason why you see the same color and model car everywhere, after you bought that nice new red one. There are about a millions times more things going on around us that we can possibly be consciously aware of at any given time. Our reticular activating system serves as filter so we don't get bogged down in unimportant stuff.

So how to we leverage this marvelous evolutionary creation? Make your goals as important as possible. And make their achievement, what it will be like when you get there, as detailed as possible. Many people when setting goals make two huge mistakes.

Mistake number one is to not make them strong enough. They are usually little more than wishes. Mistake number two is not being specific enough. You can't hit a target if you don't know what it is.

By making your goal as strong as possible, a burning desire, and by making it as specific as possible, you can't help but achieve it. Your reticular activating system will be constantly scanning your environment to find things to help you get there.

We come preprogrammed with strong desires for sex and food. We automatically are alerted when these things are around. In order to convince your subconscious that your goals are really important, you've got to take the time to practicing thinking about them with sufficient emotional energy until your subconscious gets the idea that they really are important. After that occurs, getting them will be automatic.