The Roadmap for the Mind

I'm an "ideas person". There are dozens of them floating around
in my head - all at the same time which , when they're not
colliding with each other, tends to result in a kind of mental
gridlock. You reckon voices in the head are creepy? Believe me,
you don't know creepy until you've heard all those invisible car

Problem is, with all those ideas zooming about, blaring out their
merits on subliminal woofers, each one trying to nudge the others
off that metaphorical freeway with their monster-truck(ish)
bull-bars, every one of them becomes lost in a buzz of "one
day.." The consequence of this, of course, is many things begun
but not many seen through to the end.

Does anyone else relate to this? Assuming that I'm not the only
one with a traffic jam in her head (and the notion that I am is
REALLY creepy), how do we solve this problem? How do we make
order out of this chaos and get the traffic flowing again?

Allow me to introduce: "The Roadmap for the Mind". Now this is
more than just a list of places and how to get there. The Roadmap
for the Mind provides all the essentials for safe travel.

First of all, we have the policeman, Constable Carry-on. He
directs the traffic so that all ideas come forth in a safe and
orderly manner. There will be no overtaking on double yellow
lines - and all the lines are double yellows. So one at a time
each idea moves forward. Idea Number One is directed via arrows
in its lane to a pleasant little tourist drive which ends at a
picnic ground. There it is required to stay until its feasibility
is assessed.

Meanwhile, Idea Number Two is directed through a roundabout where
it joins Idea Three on its way to the caravan park by the beach.
Frolicking in the sea and sand keeps these Ideas happily occupied
for ages.

Back to Idea Number One......Is it feasible? Is it a priority? If
the answer to either is "No", Idea One stays at the picnic area
and sets up residence in an abandoned shack. If the answer is
"Yes" in the future it can easily be recalled to active duty. If
the answer is "Yes" now, it may refuel and continue to the
Hardware Store for tools and resources needed to develop.

Ideas Four and Five have started out (Five was pulled over for
speeding earlier and given a stern warning to "SLOW DOWNNN!) They
are now both at a roadside diner swapping stories about the "bad
ole days"

Idea Six is at Pier One, fishing while its feasibily is assessed.
Once done, it will either be on its way to the Hardware Store or
at the real estate office looking at retirement properties in the

Are you beginning to grasp the concept?

Every idea needs direction. I've used Constable Carry-on here but
you can use whatever you like. Lolly-pop men at the roadworks,
street lights, anything which directs the flow the way YOU want
it to go.

Try drawing your Roadmap for the Mind. At one end of the page is
your brain filled with heaps of ideas - ie traffic. At the other
end of the page is "Successful Outcome" ie: your Destination.

Every idea moves forward with the goal of reaching that
destination. The sorting is done along the way and eventually,
one by one, each idea that is meant to will reach that

Yep, I'm an ideas person, moonlighting as Road Safety Officer
of the head.

Heads up - you're in control.

About the Author

Carol Dorman is a WAHM from Sydney, Australia and publisher of
Nurture the Nurturers ezine - "the ezine for every woman,
everywhere" To subscribe
To request her FREE report titled: EARN $$ WHILE PROTECTING YOUR