The world is made up of all kinds of people. There are sad models, happy ones, and then there are those that are a little bit of both. Some people go with the flow and others fight it tooth and nail. Individuals have been known to talk themselves out of dreaded diseases and there are some that cannot “talk their way out of a paper bag.”

If everyone is so diverse in nature and personality, how can we even conceive of getting along, let alone work together? But that’s the wisdom behind human beings. We are different for a reason, and this reason is so that we can work together, build, and reach far beyond the stars and the moon.

When you shop for a car, how would you make an educated decision if each model was the same, year after year? There would be no choices and certainly it would take the fun out of buying that new vehicle. The array of available cars is breathtaking. There are colors that can match every outfit you own and the features are endless. You can have seats that are soft and cushioned, and some even vibrate. Some are heated, and probably some keep you cool as a cucumber in the summer heat. If this feature doesn’t exist, then GMC its my idea so send me those residual checks when you install this feature.

People are a lot like the models of automobiles that fill dealerships across the world. We are all of different backgrounds, nationalities, and personalities. Some of us can see the sunshine in a day while others keep an eye out for that inevitable thunderstorm. The input of each kind of personality gives us the products we have available for our use and the
endless inventions and innovations that fill stories, factories, and life. There is not a right or a wrong personality. There are just people - unique, special, and very interesting people. Of course, we will not be in sync with each person that crosses our path throughout life. But these individuals that vary with us on values, ideas, and outlooks give us a lot of food for thought. You certainly have encountered someone that you have strongly disagreed with, but then you did find yourself examining what they said, even if it was just to reiterate how wrong they were. The surprise was that they were probably doing the very same thing.

Even in the world of internet marketing - you have those that offer you twenty zillion subscribers in a matter of 24 hours, and those that believe that the tried and true methods of daily marketing will take you where you want to be. In this scenario, the glitter and glitz will grab your attention but depending on the product, it may not keep you. You may not subscribe because your instinct tells you that it is just fluff without a firm base underneath.

Diversity and variety are indeed the spice of life - without it, we would all eat the same things, wear the same clothes, and repeat what the other person says without an original idea in our minds. Pretty dull, if you ask me. But we are showered with differences. If we welcome this aspect of life, we will be given opportunities to broaden our horizons and delve into areas we never thought possible. We can choose a model of friend we like and together we can work at changing what needs changing in our world and the world at large.
We should anticipate daily the challenge of the world marketplace that features people, places and things. We are living in a wonderful time and place in history - but we need to take full advantage of everything that is offered. If not, we will be the ones that fall to the wayside or just stand on the sidelines to watch everyone else enjoy life, the world, and everything there is in people and nature.
©Arleen M. Kaptur 2002 June

About the Author

Arleen Kaptur has written numerous articles, cookbooks, how-to books, and the novel: SEARCHING FOR AUSTIN JAMES.