The Tiniest of Gladiators

The Tiniest of Gladiators

 by: Rick Beneteau

I stared into those biggest of navy blue eyes and felt the power of his fighting spirit, despite the pain and week long raging fever. Most of the time my heart was in my throat and my mind was awash with counter-productive thoughts like, "why him?" and "this isn't fair!"

This wasn't helping him to be sure (my daughter was much stronger than I), but in spite, he not only survived the arduous ordeal, but he emerged the victor!

I am talking about my infant grandson, Corbin Nicolas, clobbered with a serious infection of the lymph glands. This tiniest of gladiators toughed out what few adults could have and not only amazed his wonderful pediatrician and hospital staff, but I feel profoundly and positively impacted them.

My precious bundle of joy is not a superhuman little being. He is simply a child, like any other, who knows no different than to fight the fight and win!

Now I ask you: what if YOU knew NO other way than to just go out and win? Well, that's how the true achievers of this world think 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Further, it is the lack of this thinking process that is most often the sole difference between success and failure.

When failure is perceived as a possibility, it will most likely become your reality. However, when we envision success as the only option, just as natural as gravity itself, success is achieved. Not without sacrifice. Not without setbacks. And certainly not without pain. But, it IS achieved!

Personally, and most probably, I'm at least an entry-level workaholic with enough Virgo perfectionism to allow my thinking to stray off course at times. My stress level rises, my thinking patterns disintegrate and I become unfocused. Suddenly, my forward motion is slowed, halted or even reversed.

I was in such a tailspin when the call came from my daughter that something was terribly wrong with Corbin. Of course, business just didn't matter at that point, but it was through this trauma and "in" someone who has been on this planet more than 90 times less than me, and who knew no different than to "just do it!", that I found my way again.

Corbin was released from the hospital after his ten-day fight, better than new and all the stronger in both body and soul.

Look, I'm not a preachy person (most of the time anyway), but every now and then we all need a wake up call to remind us of the very simple laws that propel our universe. And I received mine so close to home and in a circumstance that had absolutely nothing to do with the entrepreneurial spirit, but everything to do with the human spirit.

I learned my lesson through the eyes of a child.

© Rick Beneteau