The Top 10 Signs of a Sure Loser!.....or How to weed out your worst enemies within!

This article is actually a part of what I call my "Hot Sheet".
Let me Explain.
Whenever I am doing a consulting contract offline you will "always" (and I do mean always) find me with a clipboard in my hand when I am on-site. I am forever taking notes about every little thing. When I sit down at night, I recompile my notes into a viable and legible outline. As I am taking my notes I start categorizing the "Loser List" and the "Winner's Circle". These are nothing more the my "Pros" and "Cons" lists, but I learned sometime ago to name them for my clients, it gives them a little more incentive to work for the Loser List than the "con" list and the same for the Winner/Pro list.
Let’s get into the list. If you apply this list to your company and find these pros or cons and work (the pros) and against (the cons) I promise you will see improvement in your overall company operation and output. It can't be helped. I have been doing this for awhile offline for small and home based companies and it works very well for them.
Get to Work!
1. Genetic Fallbacks:
I list this one first because it's the worst. Why? It's the one that can't be fixed. Short of putting someone else in charge. The problem however is that the shortsighted individual for whatever reason they suffer in this lack of sufficient IQ, 9 times out of 10, they do not, or simply (out of stupid pride) refuse to realize the fact.
2. Do What You Love:
As I said, I Consult Small/Home Businesses. As many of you already know, the hours you put in are "killer". If you are planning on going into business for yourself, you better love, and I do mean "L.O.V.E." what you do! Anything less is a catastrophe waiting to happen. The long hours, weekends in the office, lost vacations, the headaches, the family & spousal complaints, the financial woes...taxes, bookeepers.....should I go on?
3. You've Got To Have Self-Discipline:
One of my Business Professors once said, "The toughest employee you'll ever hire will be yourself". If that ain't true I don't know what is! If you can control your desires and wants and maintain a discipline to work and keep to a schedule a can accomplish anything you set out to do! You are the hardest job you'll ever take on my friend!
4. Don't Procrastinate:
Here is one that I see more often than not in every level of a company from 1 person home businesses to major corporations. Yes, it's the old, "Let's put off today, what we can do tomorrow, syndrome". This one seemingly harmless little act can lead to a "domino" of problems down the road. The worst part about procrastinators it is a sickness like alcoholism. People are aware of the problems they are or can be creating by procrastinating, but yet they still do it.
5. The 3 Basic Fears:
People have many phobias, but when it comes to their businesses, they can usually be categorized into one of these 3 columns.
A. Fear of Poverty
People are afraid of taking chances and losing their business, thus ending up in squalor (more on this below).
B. Fear of Criticism
People fear making decisions based on what other will say about those decisions. Right, Wrong...Who is to say?
C. Fear of Death
Since the beginning of recorded time man has pondered this fear. So, it is only natural that it carries over into the business world as a power to be reckoned with. Fear of death is something we live with daily. Whether it's our death, the death of a friend or the death of a family member or an associate. It could be the death of a deal or the death of our business. Death is universal and uncontrollable in any form.
6. Ambition & Enthusiasm:
I have to tell you, I "Hate" very few things in my life, but I absolutely, positively hate working with people that have no ambition for their own company. Ok, so you hired me to come in and consult you on why your company is not going the way you hoped it would. I sure would like to see a little positive attitude from you and some ambition to get it going again. It really doesn't matter if you are paying me, don't waste my time by sitting there looking like a lost dog at a carnival. I want to see the Fire of Desire in those Eyes! I can consult LOSERS anywhere, there a dime a dozen, I want winners! I want to make Winners! I expect my clients to be Winners! I expect a little Enthusiasm! If you don't have the Ambition and Enthusiasm to make your company succeed you can hire all the experts in the world, but your calling card will always be "Failure".
7. Personality Problems:
This can be a wide variety of things from being to shy to being so overbearing that you are intolerable to be around. It can also be connected to racial, religious or political indifferences. These business people, although they may survive (somehow), restrict themselves severely because of their limited opinions and prejudices. Introverts have found a haven on the web thanks to the "Indirect Marketing" of the Internet. I myself have suffered from Bi-Polar disorder all my life, but (finally) with the right medication I can successfully function in a day-to-day offline, real-life business atmosphere, whereas before I relied on the Internet, as an Introvert might to mask this personality flaw.
8. Poor Health:
This is an especially important one again to me and should be especially to anyone spending ample amounts of time at a keyboard. To succeed in any walk of life, you must also succeed with inner life. Be In Good Health! I have just recently hit my 5-month mark since my last cigarette. Getting my weight back down and getting a little more exercise. Not as much as I should but at least a little more. I have to admit, I feel much better. Here is what the doctor basically told me.
A. If you Over Indulge in anything it can't be good for you, so use some restraint!
C. Don't set your sights so high that you'll fail.
D. Get a check up.
E. If you're at that keyboard a lot, get a fresh air supply, open a window, even if it's winter!
9. Know When to Get off the Pot!
I've seen it 100 times and 100 times I'll see it again! "Mr. Smith, It's time to expand". "Mr. Jones, We can double your gross by setting up a new product line and hiring 2 new employees". The Response: "I'm sorry Bill, we're not prepared to take that step right now...” Why I asked.... There were no legitimate reasons often, except basic fears. The fear of trusting the consultant and especially, trusting in themselves! This is where the lion eats the lamb folks. You are your company! Except for the consultant who has just spent countless days or weeks investigating your business who would know better than you? Why aren't you taking that next step? Do you have legitimate reasons or are you just afraid to get off the pot?
10. Keep It In Your Pants:

I feel the need to bring this one up because I see it happening more often as time goes on. Businesspersons getting sexually or personally involved. This is a no-no folks, take it from me! It matters not whether you are single, married or swinging from a tree! Business is business and your personal life is personal; Keep them separate!

About the Author

Wild Bill Montgomery