The very real great satan-

For years ignorance & emotion has clouded the issue when Arabs, or anyone else, point to some country or people and call them "the great satan"! (As Iraq cleric al-Sadr has done.) When will people learn that Satan, himself, IS the 'great satan'? [The very real, as REAL as YOU are, fallen angel Lucifer, who incites and murders the human race daily.] With the fallen angel's deceptive, negative, manipulative influence gone, a lot of the human race's problems would vanish overnight! We only need to learn how they function (tampering with our thoughts, feelings & emotions, and then inciting us against each other>"An eye for an eye will only leave the world blind." - Mahatma Gandhi ), and then ignore them by instituting a planet-wide truce between all people while we sort out our own humanity! >Make Love, not war!! {Love is what you do for ALL others that is in their highest or best interest, anytime, anywhere, selflessly! 24/7.....The real thing applied never fails!} James Sorrell [ or ].........."The greatest trick the devil has ever pulled is convincing the world that he doesn't exist"....["The Usual Suspects"]

About the Author

Lover, leader, truth seeker & explorer!