The X-factor...

The X-factor...

 by: Neil Millar

Would you agree that today most of us have the same set of opportunities and the same set potential?

If you agree with me, then perhaps you might like to consider this puzzling question: if we all have the same opportunities and potential why are some people more successful than others?

It could be said that some people are more privileged than others, and while this is certainly true, you could argue that there is proof in every day life of people who started off with zero and went on to accumulate incredible wealth. It could be said that some people have better academic ability than others and while this is true you could argue the case of all the people who achieved success after years of under-achieving in education. It could be said that some have more talent than others, and while this is true, there is always someone who has achieved huge success based on determination and a lot less talent.

And it could be said that there are always exceptions to rules... and if this is the case then I question how, if there are exceptions to rules, the rule came to be a rule in the first place!

I’m a writer: a novelist and an author of personal development material and as such, I’m a keen researcher because I want my work to have depth. What I want to share with you is some of that research - research that highlights a couple of, in my opinion, the vital steps to success in any endeavor.

What I’ve found is that the successful people start with a couple of very important qualities. These qualities, I believe, are so vital to success that, if you took it away, I doubt they could ever succeed.

What’s more is this: most people who have not, or are not succeeding in life in a way they would desire fail to do these two things. So let me enlighten you…

People who succeed - people who live life with a purpose - know what they want to achieve right at the beginning of their adventure to success. They are clear on their life path or Life Purpose. They know what they want in life and they select only opportunities that bring them close to the desired result. And the other thing they do?

People who succeed know who they want to be as they move towards their success on that path of Life Purpose. They use their past to shape their future, keeping what they like and what works and discarding what fails and thwarts them.

Think about it and see if you agree: if you knew what you wanted and got clear about who you are and how your past experience could be harnessed for the good of mankind then would anything be able to stop you if you consistently applied yourself in that direction?

I doubt it!